as i sit waiting to find out if FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt) works as well in politics as it dose in software, it dawns on me that regardless of the world situation, i haven't talked about my self for almost a month now!!!!! I must prioritize!
So here's all about me novemberween.
First of all id like to thank all the people who have herd my pleas for emails and decided to send me little notes on the goings on in there lives... both of them. its probably the fact that as i wax philosophical, my letters tend to become a bit verbose. so in case you don't make it to the end of this. . . HAY PLEASE EMAIL ME STUFF!! i want to know whats going on in your life (yes you in particular, you know who i'm talking to, YOU!).
but I can sympathize, this letter was just about not typed. several parts were rehearsed in my head as i walked home each night from school. (see i think of you). But as i have a poly-sci final this afternoon,( went to double check on web to make sure it was evening not morning) and my memory seems to be plaguing me with insecurities (but i was right it is at 7 pm). -um what was i saying??
oh ya right! so my main laptop had to be sent back to HP to have them fix the touch screen. its not that it was really broke , it just had a tendency to think that it was being poked in places that it wasn't. leaving my cursor to randomly jump around within the document i was typing in. Now i know you don't notice it in my letters, because of the myriad of paths i branch off on while bashing out my views. but when typing a program for computer sciences it can be hell. ( a misplaced {or ' can crash a program or cause my computer to freeze up. (and as I had to use vista-shudders- restarts can take up most of my home work time.) - what oh ya close the other brackets)
So my main computer is away. I still have my little netbook. But typing on that is absolute hell. When i first got it i noticed that the 'i' some times wouldn't register. And i was going to send it in to be fixed. but because i thought it may partially be my fault for being a bad typist, and it was a 20 min bus ride, i put it off. deciding instead to mention my problems with it every time some one intercepts me using it to ask about it. (this happens All the time!) now warranty period is up and the missing has spread to the 'o'. Just 2 of the vowels. How many words have vowels in them? oh ya. so 2/5 of the monosyllabic words i write i have to go back and correct. That is ONTOP of the spelling errors i make because of my inability to remember spelling rules. was it 'i' before 'p' except after 'b'?...
so i wasn't going to wait to send in my good computer. see i do learn...
but you see studying for a poly-sci test is virtually impossible when every time politics crosses your mind you have to check google to see if the Governor General has got off a plane yet.(gotta check...nope not yet) Isn't it nice to see how Harper can bring people together across party lines in an embrace of ... well, hating Harper.
The good news is i'm using all the vocabulary words from my course all across facebook, and no one has yet to tell me my vocabulary is incorrect. And if the insults are any indicator they are reading me.(i feel validated when people respond to me on facebook, kinda sad but true.) On the other hand, its difficult to read between the lines when the entire response is 2 words. the first one ending with a 'k' and the second one is 'you'.( it still makes me feel validated. take that, facebookers! your insults only go to foster my self worth!!)
AS the primary purpose of this email (as always) is to solicit responses; i'm left wondering if i ought to put in my 2 cents here. they say you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar. BUT flies flock to sh- er manure.
as i decide i'll aside.
On one of my many forays in to google news, i came across this little diddy. It seams the the US intelligence (there oxymoron not mine) has stated that a WMD (remember them) attack on the USA is probable in the next 5 years. All i'm going to say about it is; If it happens before Obama takes office, that little prick Bush will declare a state of emergency and he'll never leave.( its here I don't make this crap up!)
Remember the olden days of Chretien, where the biggest political problems facing the country were medicinal marjiwana, and weather gays could joint file tax returns?
ok for the sake of not wasting your entire day perusing my ramblings, the quick facts.
Classes are all done for me, just finals to write (no essays) so its just studying till the 11th.
the 15th i'm back in Edmonton. Hopefully ill have my computer back by then, so i can read all of your emails. and the inevitable using too much bandwidth complaints from whatever ISP i'm connected too. (but i'm sure Chad will let me use his computer if mines not back, so don't hold off on emailing me because of that.
I think Christmas will be boxing day at the farm, and my return flight is on the 3rd. so i'm free other than that for drinks or cookies, or just about any thing else. call em email me facebook, whatever is your preferred way of making plans.
now if your the type of person who would put-off, or just not make a reply to an email that may insult your political opinions; stop reading after this paragraph. I most likely miss you, want to spend time with you, value your opinions and look forward to seeing you as soon as i can. Have a merry Christmas ( but try not to be to consumerist with it). i wish you Luck Love and Laughter in the new year.
for every one else;
I still most likely miss you, want to spend time with you, value your opinions and look forward to seeing you as soon as i can. and Still hope you Have a merry Christmas ( but try not to be to consumerist with it). i wish you Luck Love and Laughter in the new year.
ok from what i can tell the people who oppose the coalition government have a few things in common. and they are loosely related things as well.
first of all they don't seem to have a true understanding of Canada's parliamentary system. This tends to be a result of confusing us with the USA. They also are more likely to NOT be followers of politics at other times. This may be part of the reason they don't remember Harper making deals with these same "separatist and socialist" to prop up his previous governments. the fact that the current Conservative party is a coalition of the reformers and the progressive Conservative party. As well as Harper's attempt to do EXACTLY the same thing when Paul Marten had a minority government.They tend to fall for catchphrase politics and thus supported the Conservatives in the last election. they feel like they are loosing there gold medal because of drug testing.
well the drugs were banned and Ben Johnson was NOT robbed.
Harper Knew he had a minority government. just 2 days after the election he released that the Conservatives had enough funds to run another election. This was obviously meant as a thereat to other parties. in fact i believe the only reason he tabled such an asinine bill in the first place was he wanted to cause an election. so he could campaign that a majority is needed to run a country and any thing else will just put Canada in a stalemate. he doesn't want to have to confer with others he wants the all encompassing power Mulroney had(the Conservative that brought us the GST) .
we (most Canadians) leaned then that we don't want runaway ideologues running us. forcing governments to reach consensus with differing points of view tends to make sure that we all have a safer future. It was another runaway Majority that brought gay marriage that many of you Conservatives didn't want.
Canada has had cotillion governments in the past and this is nothing new. As well as most European countries run just fine on minority coalitions. (the Swiss are almost exclusively coalitions). In fact the only 2 party system that has any -ahem success, is the States. but our system is nothing like theirs.
and just so as i don't let any one off the hook,
The supporters of this move ought to remember the harsh words we have had about being in bed with the bloc. we weren't so quiet when Harper's attempt to do EXACTLY the same thing when Paul Marten had a minority government. It seems our own memories may not be so clear. the differences are of course simple. Harper kills kittens!
I do love most of you and like you all; now i do have to study for my final... after just one more look at the news......\
just a spot to post my rants, if you've ever been tempted to ask " whats he thinking?" its all here! ****
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
what direction is hate?
I received an email with a racist bent, what surprised me was how the people forwarding it were slipping in to old patterns of hate.
Please do not forward me your hate mongering.
a quick note about nations.
A nation is a form of self-defined cultural and social community.(Wikipedia) not a country.
Many countries are "nation states". ie Germany.
If the Québécois, can be a nation within Canada, and have the official anthem changed to be part English and part French, then what is to prevent any other nation in Canada from doing the same. Canada has a large Cree nation and a large Hindi population (not yet an official nation), and we have opened up the floor to this discussion by not labelling separatists as treasonous.
In Quebec at the moment they are actively trying to disallow the vote to non French speaking citizens. (thats right California is not the only place human rights are going backward).
1)OBVIOUSLY a person dose not deserved to be fired for speaking ones mind in Canada. Anyone! Not even misguided racist hate mongering fools. (many of the people in this email qualify)
2)If Hindi's wish to petition the government to be recognized as a nation, thats there right. The same rights many died to defend.
3)Adding more official nations to a united Canada, makes the nation stronger as well as reducing any other nation in Canada's ability to act unilaterally.
the feeling in this email resonated with racism, please ask your self before you forward such, if its possible that what your feeling is a fear of loss of the Anglo-Saxon's dominate position. Or is it a genuine problem to be fixed?
Yes we need to petition to have this mans job reinstated, but lets do it with out becoming misguided racist hate mongering fools.
On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 10:43 AM, Lainie S wrote:
> This is the first time I have forwarded a racially specific complaint. but I
> DO agree--enough is enough.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: manof lamancha
> what do you think?
> I agree 1000%. I find it interesting and very aggravating that these people
> do everything they can to get to Canada and then spend the rest of their
> time trying to change Canada into their old country. If you don't like
> Why did you come here to begin with. You want freedom of religion, freedom
> to speak in your native tongue, well so do I and I was born here. My family
> has served to protect the rights we enjoy, the same rights that you have
> come to Canada to take advantage of. What have you done to deserve the right
> to force your wants on me. You claim racism against you. If we were racist
> against you we would NOT have let you in to Canada. If you want a national
> anthem sung in your native tongue GO BACK TO WHERE EVER YOU CAME FROM AND
> One more thing.
> It is this kind of thing that really should show us true Canadians that
> maybe we should quit being so complacent and "nice " to everyone else in the
> world and start to stand up for our rights. Quit allowing others to
> constantly run over us like door mats and stand up for what we believe in.
> "I am Canadian" is more than just a beer add. Try being as patriotic about
> the rights that our soldiers died for as you are about your brand of beer,
> kind of vehicle you drive, or the coffee you drink and maybe we wont have to
> put up with this crap.
> I agree with this piece totally! My grandfather died at Vimy; my uncle, an
> RCAF flight officer, died for his country, so that we could sing with pride,
> "OH CANADA". Did they sing China's national anthem in Hindi at the summer
> olympics. Don't think so! And, will this be allowed when Great Britain
> hosts the Olympics? Don't think so!
> I know this has been around many many times so it just goes to show everyone
> we do all feel the same way.
> Please read and tell me what you think!!!
> You SHOULD be concerned.
> Our National Anthem - at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics
> Please read and forward to as many Canadians you can think of – thank you
> Bruce Allen is on the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Committee and new Canadians
> (specifically Hindi's/Indian's) want him fired for his recent comments
> outlined below:
> I am sorry, but after hearing they want to sing the National Anthem in
> Hindi - enough is enough.
> Nowhere or at no other time in our Nation's history, did they sing it in
> Italian, Japanese, Polish,
> Irish (Celtic), German, Portuguese, Greek, or any other language because
> of immigration.
> It was written in English, adapted into French, and should be sung word
> for word the way it was written.
> The news broadcasts even gave the Hindi version translation - which was
> not even close to our National Anthem. I am not the least bit sorry if
> this offends ANYONE, this is MY COUNTRY; My Grand Dad served in the
> military, other family members also served, as well as my wife & I served a
> combined total of 56 years between us. We made many sacrifices for our
> country and do not feel we should feel obligated to allow invited people
> we've welcomed with open arms to influence & change our society to better
> resemble the one they chose to leave to come here!!! - IF YOU AGREE ABOUT
> -- please pass this along .
> I am not against immigration. In fact I believe we need more, my ancestors
> were immigrants -- just come through like everyone else. Get a sponsor; a
> place to lay your head; have a job; pay your taxes, live by the Rules AND
> LEARN THE LANGUAGE as all other immigrants have in the past -- and LONG
> It's time we all get behind Bruce Allen, and scrap this Political
> Correctness crap. His comments were anything but racist, however, there are
> far too many overly sensitive 'New Canadians' that are attempting to
> change everything we hold dear.
> ARE you PART OF THE PROBLEM ??? Think about this: If you don't want to
> forward this for fear of offending someone, will we still be the Country
> of Choice and Still be CANADA if we continue to make the changes forced on
> us by the people from other countries who have come to live in CANADA
> because it is the Country of Choice??????
> Think about it!
> It's Time for CANADIANS to speak up.. If you agree ? Pass this along; if
> you don't agree?
> Delete it and reap what you sew because of your complacency!
> ------ End of Forwarded Message
> ________________________________
> Turn email contacts into buddies, and you could win. Enter today.
> ________________________________
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG -
> Version: 8.0.175 / Virus Database: 270.9.8/1801 - Release Date: 11/20/2008
> 9:11 AM
> ________________________________
> Messenger wants to send you on a trip. Enter today.
> --
> How to fly: "Spread your arms, hold your breath and always trust your cape".
> Guy Clark
Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign - John Stuart Mill
Please do not forward me your hate mongering.
a quick note about nations.
A nation is a form of self-defined cultural and social community.(Wikipedia) not a country.
Many countries are "nation states". ie Germany.
If the Québécois, can be a nation within Canada, and have the official anthem changed to be part English and part French, then what is to prevent any other nation in Canada from doing the same. Canada has a large Cree nation and a large Hindi population (not yet an official nation), and we have opened up the floor to this discussion by not labelling separatists as treasonous.
In Quebec at the moment they are actively trying to disallow the vote to non French speaking citizens. (thats right California is not the only place human rights are going backward).
1)OBVIOUSLY a person dose not deserved to be fired for speaking ones mind in Canada. Anyone! Not even misguided racist hate mongering fools. (many of the people in this email qualify)
2)If Hindi's wish to petition the government to be recognized as a nation, thats there right. The same rights many died to defend.
3)Adding more official nations to a united Canada, makes the nation stronger as well as reducing any other nation in Canada's ability to act unilaterally.
the feeling in this email resonated with racism, please ask your self before you forward such, if its possible that what your feeling is a fear of loss of the Anglo-Saxon's dominate position. Or is it a genuine problem to be fixed?
Yes we need to petition to have this mans job reinstated, but lets do it with out becoming misguided racist hate mongering fools.
On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 10:43 AM, Lainie S
> This is the first time I have forwarded a racially specific complaint. but I
> DO agree--enough is enough.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: manof lamancha
> what do you think?
> I agree 1000%. I find it interesting and very aggravating that these people
> do everything they can to get to Canada and then spend the rest of their
> time trying to change Canada into their old country. If you don't like
> Why did you come here to begin with. You want freedom of religion, freedom
> to speak in your native tongue, well so do I and I was born here. My family
> has served to protect the rights we enjoy, the same rights that you have
> come to Canada to take advantage of. What have you done to deserve the right
> to force your wants on me. You claim racism against you. If we were racist
> against you we would NOT have let you in to Canada. If you want a national
> anthem sung in your native tongue GO BACK TO WHERE EVER YOU CAME FROM AND
> One more thing.
> It is this kind of thing that really should show us true Canadians that
> maybe we should quit being so complacent and "nice " to everyone else in the
> world and start to stand up for our rights. Quit allowing others to
> constantly run over us like door mats and stand up for what we believe in.
> "I am Canadian" is more than just a beer add. Try being as patriotic about
> the rights that our soldiers died for as you are about your brand of beer,
> kind of vehicle you drive, or the coffee you drink and maybe we wont have to
> put up with this crap.
> I agree with this piece totally! My grandfather died at Vimy; my uncle, an
> RCAF flight officer, died for his country, so that we could sing with pride,
> "OH CANADA". Did they sing China's national anthem in Hindi at the summer
> olympics. Don't think so! And, will this be allowed when Great Britain
> hosts the Olympics? Don't think so!
> I know this has been around many many times so it just goes to show everyone
> we do all feel the same way.
> Please read and tell me what you think!!!
> You SHOULD be concerned.
> Our National Anthem - at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics
> Please read and forward to as many Canadians you can think of – thank you
> Bruce Allen is on the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Committee and new Canadians
> (specifically Hindi's/Indian's) want him fired for his recent comments
> outlined below:
> I am sorry, but after hearing they want to sing the National Anthem in
> Hindi - enough is enough.
> Nowhere or at no other time in our Nation's history, did they sing it in
> Italian, Japanese, Polish,
> Irish (Celtic), German, Portuguese, Greek, or any other language because
> of immigration.
> It was written in English, adapted into French, and should be sung word
> for word the way it was written.
> The news broadcasts even gave the Hindi version translation - which was
> not even close to our National Anthem. I am not the least bit sorry if
> this offends ANYONE, this is MY COUNTRY; My Grand Dad served in the
> military, other family members also served, as well as my wife & I served a
> combined total of 56 years between us. We made many sacrifices for our
> country and do not feel we should feel obligated to allow invited people
> we've welcomed with open arms to influence & change our society to better
> resemble the one they chose to leave to come here!!! - IF YOU AGREE ABOUT
> -- please pass this along .
> I am not against immigration. In fact I believe we need more, my ancestors
> were immigrants -- just come through like everyone else. Get a sponsor; a
> place to lay your head; have a job; pay your taxes, live by the Rules AND
> LEARN THE LANGUAGE as all other immigrants have in the past -- and LONG
> It's time we all get behind Bruce Allen, and scrap this Political
> Correctness crap. His comments were anything but racist, however, there are
> far too many overly sensitive 'New Canadians' that are attempting to
> change everything we hold dear.
> ARE you PART OF THE PROBLEM ??? Think about this: If you don't want to
> forward this for fear of offending someone, will we still be the Country
> of Choice and Still be CANADA if we continue to make the changes forced on
> us by the people from other countries who have come to live in CANADA
> because it is the Country of Choice??????
> Think about it!
> It's Time for CANADIANS to speak up.. If you agree ? Pass this along; if
> you don't agree?
> Delete it and reap what you sew because of your complacency!
> ------ End of Forwarded Message
> ________________________________
> Turn email contacts into buddies, and you could win. Enter today.
> ________________________________
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG -
> Version: 8.0.175 / Virus Database: 270.9.8/1801 - Release Date: 11/20/2008
> 9:11 AM
> ________________________________
> Messenger wants to send you on a trip. Enter today.
> --
> How to fly: "Spread your arms, hold your breath and always trust your cape".
> Guy Clark
Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign - John Stuart Mill
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Really about me October-ish edition
Lets see what can a student who does nothing tell you about?
I could go off on the usa 'lection, or Canada's. But unsolicited political rants arn't my style.(YA RIGHT!!, just don't feel like it, I'm a little politicked out right now.)
Now we do know how I love to brag. To be fair we all do. Sit back and count many “I me my” sentences you and your friends use in a regular conversation. It'll show you how surprisingly ego-centric we all are. Then quickly get over it. After all sharing your inner reality with others is more fulfilling than endlessly droning on about the weather. Which brings me back to my point. The other down side about bragging about the gorgeous weather, (and this city is BeauTIFUL in the fall,) is its not really about me. It doesn't really dig at anyone, and thats another part of bragging, its to get that dig in to someone. Like yay, I moved to a place after absolutely no consideration of the weather, But YAY ME, its nice... .... ... see what I mean, not worth bragging about. in fact id delete all of that if it wasn't for the fact I'm a painfully slow typer and i cant bare to see 4 hours of my work just disappear.
Maybe I should tell you about the fights I'm having with my teachers. But none have come to an interesting crescendo yet. There was the let down of my Philosophy teacher. OK quick back ground; Utilitarians take the view that all moral decisions ought to be chosen by what ever will cause the most happiness. Well my prof goes on to explain that if every one just wants to make every one else happy, and the only way to make others happy is to give them something they want, then you can only make them happy by ruthlessly pursuing what ever your heart desires. therefore negating everyone else's happiness. NOW, I'm ok with people having OBVIOUSLY wrong ideas about the nature of love, life and the world. some of my friends and family fall in to this crowed, (come on try to figure out who I'm talking about, its the new funner game!) and it doesn't alter my feelings toward them at all. But they are not in a position to force me to regurgitate their falsehoods. In fact as soon as this pile of fly attractant had fallen from his mouth, my prof ended class. the next Philosophy class was the test. Grinding my teeth I carved this stupidity in to the test paper.
With my class schedule i have phil. on Tuesdays and Thursdays only. so it was an entire week later that i was able to make my case. I sat through the lecture waiting for my chance to ask questions. It was a long class. A really really really long class. But finally it was question time so i asked why a smart person wouldn't develop a secondary goal, thus giving others something they can give you to make you happy. which would make them happy, which would fulfil the goal of making others happy. Thus making his argument against utilitarianism null and void! VOID I tell ya, VOID!!! Boo-ya! Now he was going to tell me that he was no longer going to teach these young impressionable minds lies, and the world was going to be just a bit better of a place.!!! With no voice inflection at all he said, "That might work.". he hadn't even finished saying might and he was pointing at another student prompting for the next question.
In a word; Deflated.
Or i could go on about how I'm soooooo NOT looking forward to flying back to Alberta for Christmas. As it turns out I'm not a good passenger in a plane. At least in a car I can pump the imaginary brake peddle on the passenger side. But in a plane, not only do they not have brake peddles, (I think the peddles control wing flaps... but I don't really know how the controls work, which means my imaginary ones are useless to me... more useless than... well any way), you can't even see the driver. Is he distracted, drowsy, was he taught faulty logic in school...?
My mom has told many about how how inner ear doesn't work for balance. Mine on the other hand is amazing! I can tell every pitch and turn of the plane!, which conflicts with what my eyes see, a 4 inch lcd screen that only shows the dumbest of reality tv. Come to think of it now I'm not so sure what was causing my nausea.
but if I went on about that people might think that I'm not looking forward to seeing them. which just simply isn't true.
so maybe i could just give some useless facts, like how my spell checker has a problem with lowercase "tv" and "ok", but is completely un-bothered by "funner". Really! it did at least stand up against "funnerest" and "gooder". Perhaps the battle for grammar, is akin to the battle to end crappy pop tunes on the radio; unattainable. Or at least less worthy of our effort than other more compelling crusades.
Well now if you find yourself with a little bit of free activist energy, and are unsure of what to do about it. Might I suggest you pick up a copy of Naomi Klein's "The Shock Doctrine".
The last hundred pages are just her sources and the like so don't be deterred by the size of the book. If your jaw doesn't drop at least once in amazement while reading it...(trying to think of a suitable finish to that statement. One that can span the gambit from Granni to Bri, and be relevant...).
Any way as you can see i have nothing to write about and am feeling distant from my audience. In short a complete case of writers block. so no real "all about me October-ish edition". Just a note to say i miss most of you. Ill get around to missing the rest of you later this week.(planning your time well is the only way to get through school).
As per usual if your reading this somewhere other than your e-mail and want me to include you in my mailing list, (Ohh listen to me 'mailing list' and all i may have a problem with being pretentious, you think so?) just e-mail me at
or if i'm sending it to multiple of your email addys tell me which one you actually read.
Or just email me and tell me about your life and such. all i ever find in my inbox are adds for pills to cure problems i don't think i have.
Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign - John Stuart Mill
I could go off on the usa 'lection, or Canada's. But unsolicited political rants arn't my style.(YA RIGHT!!, just don't feel like it, I'm a little politicked out right now.)
Now we do know how I love to brag. To be fair we all do. Sit back and count many “I me my” sentences you and your friends use in a regular conversation. It'll show you how surprisingly ego-centric we all are. Then quickly get over it. After all sharing your inner reality with others is more fulfilling than endlessly droning on about the weather. Which brings me back to my point. The other down side about bragging about the gorgeous weather, (and this city is BeauTIFUL in the fall,) is its not really about me. It doesn't really dig at anyone, and thats another part of bragging, its to get that dig in to someone. Like yay, I moved to a place after absolutely no consideration of the weather, But YAY ME, its nice... .... ... see what I mean, not worth bragging about. in fact id delete all of that if it wasn't for the fact I'm a painfully slow typer and i cant bare to see 4 hours of my work just disappear.
Maybe I should tell you about the fights I'm having with my teachers. But none have come to an interesting crescendo yet. There was the let down of my Philosophy teacher. OK quick back ground; Utilitarians take the view that all moral decisions ought to be chosen by what ever will cause the most happiness. Well my prof goes on to explain that if every one just wants to make every one else happy, and the only way to make others happy is to give them something they want, then you can only make them happy by ruthlessly pursuing what ever your heart desires. therefore negating everyone else's happiness. NOW, I'm ok with people having OBVIOUSLY wrong ideas about the nature of love, life and the world. some of my friends and family fall in to this crowed, (come on try to figure out who I'm talking about, its the new funner game!) and it doesn't alter my feelings toward them at all. But they are not in a position to force me to regurgitate their falsehoods. In fact as soon as this pile of fly attractant had fallen from his mouth, my prof ended class. the next Philosophy class was the test. Grinding my teeth I carved this stupidity in to the test paper.
With my class schedule i have phil. on Tuesdays and Thursdays only. so it was an entire week later that i was able to make my case. I sat through the lecture waiting for my chance to ask questions. It was a long class. A really really really long class. But finally it was question time so i asked why a smart person wouldn't develop a secondary goal, thus giving others something they can give you to make you happy. which would make them happy, which would fulfil the goal of making others happy. Thus making his argument against utilitarianism null and void! VOID I tell ya, VOID!!! Boo-ya! Now he was going to tell me that he was no longer going to teach these young impressionable minds lies, and the world was going to be just a bit better of a place.!!! With no voice inflection at all he said, "That might work.". he hadn't even finished saying might and he was pointing at another student prompting for the next question.
In a word; Deflated.
Or i could go on about how I'm soooooo NOT looking forward to flying back to Alberta for Christmas. As it turns out I'm not a good passenger in a plane. At least in a car I can pump the imaginary brake peddle on the passenger side. But in a plane, not only do they not have brake peddles, (I think the peddles control wing flaps... but I don't really know how the controls work, which means my imaginary ones are useless to me... more useless than... well any way), you can't even see the driver. Is he distracted, drowsy, was he taught faulty logic in school...?
My mom has told many about how how inner ear doesn't work for balance. Mine on the other hand is amazing! I can tell every pitch and turn of the plane!, which conflicts with what my eyes see, a 4 inch lcd screen that only shows the dumbest of reality tv. Come to think of it now I'm not so sure what was causing my nausea.
but if I went on about that people might think that I'm not looking forward to seeing them. which just simply isn't true.
so maybe i could just give some useless facts, like how my spell checker has a problem with lowercase "tv" and "ok", but is completely un-bothered by "funner". Really! it did at least stand up against "funnerest" and "gooder". Perhaps the battle for grammar, is akin to the battle to end crappy pop tunes on the radio; unattainable. Or at least less worthy of our effort than other more compelling crusades.
Well now if you find yourself with a little bit of free activist energy, and are unsure of what to do about it. Might I suggest you pick up a copy of Naomi Klein's "The Shock Doctrine".
The last hundred pages are just her sources and the like so don't be deterred by the size of the book. If your jaw doesn't drop at least once in amazement while reading it...(trying to think of a suitable finish to that statement. One that can span the gambit from Granni to Bri, and be relevant...).
Any way as you can see i have nothing to write about and am feeling distant from my audience. In short a complete case of writers block. so no real "all about me October-ish edition". Just a note to say i miss most of you. Ill get around to missing the rest of you later this week.(planning your time well is the only way to get through school).
As per usual if your reading this somewhere other than your e-mail and want me to include you in my mailing list, (Ohh listen to me 'mailing list' and all i may have a problem with being pretentious, you think so?) just e-mail me at
or if i'm sending it to multiple of your email addys tell me which one you actually read.
Or just email me and tell me about your life and such. all i ever find in my inbox are adds for pills to cure problems i don't think i have.
Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign - John Stuart Mill
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
all about me again
this was sent as a mass(sadly small) email to the names i have in my gmail account. if you never received it, that means you haven't sent me an email.. how sad. so please do to get the next one.... when ever that may be
So its been a month. I figure ts time for an update.
After all the shareholders deserve to see that there investments are being put to good use.
The only class so far that I've had any tests in is computers, so I'm doing awesome. Grannie will be happy to know i never wasted any of the money she sent; i bought a counter top dishwasher. It'll be with me for life and every day it makes my life nicer!
I have 2 roommates, well 3 if you count the guy who doesn't talk. He can i know, because hes asked the rest of us to “keep it down” one night. He spoke as though he was appealing to our humanity and we ought to respect him as a person. My question is, when i say “good morning” when i see him in the kitchen, or “hay, hows it goin” if i see him in the living room. Would not that same humanity state you go through the arduous task of muttering a “hay” in return? So after 3 weeks of him acting as though he was a conscientious objector to our occupation of the house, I've decided, that the laws of war apply. As the occupier i must assume that i was the victor and thus the stronger party. Therefore, i must do all in my power to quell the dissidents. Of course i would prefer to do this by making the “natives” feel at home and like they belong... but Machiavelli also has a bit to say on the matter. (just kidding, i don't have time to have a little war at home. I have a polly-sci teacher who has an unhealthy Conservative bent who requires most of my attention.)
I KNOW! A CONSERVATIVE PROF!!!! Well I'm sure she thinks of herself as liberal as the rest of “intelligentsia” but shes got a thing where she still believes that Conservatives in this country are libertarians. Like the fact they want to regulate the citizen but not the bushiness is not to be discussed in class, just that Laissez-faire economics means that your less regulated... I digress.
Maybe i ought to have made that its own paragraph. Its more of a complete idea unto its self, than a closer to the previous thought.
I Digress.
If ever write a biography thats what I'll call it.
or maybe put that on my tombstone; Scott Sinclair: I digress.
Any way...
so no less than 2 hurricanes have blown past and neither one was much of a storm. I'm sorrily disappointed. No lightning at all. I do realize that I'm from Lethbridge, but even the winds were calm. Just a little rain and thats it. I remember the day god killed my rabbit with a flash hail storm. That little diddy will remain in my memory long after these so called hurricanes have faded in to the ever growing library of unimportant moments in my life.
Did i do something wrong? Like the “Hockey riots” i was in were not ciaos, it was thousands of people, being relatively law abiding, (a little public drunkenness, but that was all for the most part.) never got to see a tornado despite all the time i spent in central Alberta trailer parks trying to sell vaccumes. I've lived with prostitutes and drug dealers, purposely walking down dark alleys alone. And now 2, 2! hurricanes and still no ciaos. As i pause on my birthday to see if I'm doing anything worthwhile with my wobbles around the sun; the most chaos i have encountered is the fragments of dreams that have stuck with me from my youthful night terrors. Its clear that a modicum of intelligence and an alert guardian angle is all that is needed to make the western world safe. Don't get me wrong. I don't like pain. And i definitely don't want to die. But I'd like to experience some of the events that people talk about with that “awh” tone that separates events, from conversations of deck stains... and of course bathroom functions at the dinner table.
| |
that is not me digressing. ( is digressing a word? Either way this is definitely digressing now, ill just close the brackets and get back to it.) that is the biases of me starting to formulate a plan. I want to spend my summer over seas. Perhaps in a 3rd world country. Too see what life is like amongst desperation. I'm not sure if I've got the balls to go to Baghdad right off the bat. But i want to see if maybe its all hyped a little too much.
I figure either way i win. If its as bad as they say i can have my fill of WOW moments, allowing me to live life with out taking needles risks. Or it is hype, and i can come back with the smug knowledge that I know and no one else does. I like feeling smug, admit it you do too. In fact doesn't hiding how smug you are make you feel a little better; not only do you fell smug for what ever reason, but you can feel smug about how your soo much better at hiding how smug you feel than everyone else... if they only knew....
ahem.. ya;
So any ideas as to how i can put this plan in to action would be helpfull. I think i herd it was rebeca that just came back from a mission. So maybe thats an option. I don't know.
Well i need to get to class (maybe get some class) so i'll let you all get back to your lives.
Halifax is beautiful, and if i can get facebook to allow me to upload pictures ill show you all there.
One month in and every thing is going so well that my complaints are (obviously) trivial.
My email ( inbox is too often empty HINT HINT!
I love you all and miss you lots!!!!
people vote conservative because they are scared of the future
people vote liberal because they are scared of the Conservatives
What are you scared of?
I'm voting NDP this time.
Thanks to TV and for the convenience of TV, you can only be one of two kinds of human beings, either a liberal or a conservative.
- Kurt Vonnegut
So its been a month. I figure ts time for an update.
After all the shareholders deserve to see that there investments are being put to good use.
The only class so far that I've had any tests in is computers, so I'm doing awesome. Grannie will be happy to know i never wasted any of the money she sent; i bought a counter top dishwasher. It'll be with me for life and every day it makes my life nicer!
I have 2 roommates, well 3 if you count the guy who doesn't talk. He can i know, because hes asked the rest of us to “keep it down” one night. He spoke as though he was appealing to our humanity and we ought to respect him as a person. My question is, when i say “good morning” when i see him in the kitchen, or “hay, hows it goin” if i see him in the living room. Would not that same humanity state you go through the arduous task of muttering a “hay” in return? So after 3 weeks of him acting as though he was a conscientious objector to our occupation of the house, I've decided, that the laws of war apply. As the occupier i must assume that i was the victor and thus the stronger party. Therefore, i must do all in my power to quell the dissidents. Of course i would prefer to do this by making the “natives” feel at home and like they belong... but Machiavelli also has a bit to say on the matter. (just kidding, i don't have time to have a little war at home. I have a polly-sci teacher who has an unhealthy Conservative bent who requires most of my attention.)
I KNOW! A CONSERVATIVE PROF!!!! Well I'm sure she thinks of herself as liberal as the rest of “intelligentsia” but shes got a thing where she still believes that Conservatives in this country are libertarians. Like the fact they want to regulate the citizen but not the bushiness is not to be discussed in class, just that Laissez-faire economics means that your less regulated... I digress.
Maybe i ought to have made that its own paragraph. Its more of a complete idea unto its self, than a closer to the previous thought.
I Digress.
If ever write a biography thats what I'll call it.
or maybe put that on my tombstone; Scott Sinclair: I digress.
Any way...
so no less than 2 hurricanes have blown past and neither one was much of a storm. I'm sorrily disappointed. No lightning at all. I do realize that I'm from Lethbridge, but even the winds were calm. Just a little rain and thats it. I remember the day god killed my rabbit with a flash hail storm. That little diddy will remain in my memory long after these so called hurricanes have faded in to the ever growing library of unimportant moments in my life.
Did i do something wrong? Like the “Hockey riots” i was in were not ciaos, it was thousands of people, being relatively law abiding, (a little public drunkenness, but that was all for the most part.) never got to see a tornado despite all the time i spent in central Alberta trailer parks trying to sell vaccumes. I've lived with prostitutes and drug dealers, purposely walking down dark alleys alone. And now 2, 2! hurricanes and still no ciaos. As i pause on my birthday to see if I'm doing anything worthwhile with my wobbles around the sun; the most chaos i have encountered is the fragments of dreams that have stuck with me from my youthful night terrors. Its clear that a modicum of intelligence and an alert guardian angle is all that is needed to make the western world safe. Don't get me wrong. I don't like pain. And i definitely don't want to die. But I'd like to experience some of the events that people talk about with that “awh” tone that separates events, from conversations of deck stains... and of course bathroom functions at the dinner table.
| |
that is not me digressing. ( is digressing a word? Either way this is definitely digressing now, ill just close the brackets and get back to it.) that is the biases of me starting to formulate a plan. I want to spend my summer over seas. Perhaps in a 3rd world country. Too see what life is like amongst desperation. I'm not sure if I've got the balls to go to Baghdad right off the bat. But i want to see if maybe its all hyped a little too much.
I figure either way i win. If its as bad as they say i can have my fill of WOW moments, allowing me to live life with out taking needles risks. Or it is hype, and i can come back with the smug knowledge that I know and no one else does. I like feeling smug, admit it you do too. In fact doesn't hiding how smug you are make you feel a little better; not only do you fell smug for what ever reason, but you can feel smug about how your soo much better at hiding how smug you feel than everyone else... if they only knew....
ahem.. ya;
So any ideas as to how i can put this plan in to action would be helpfull. I think i herd it was rebeca that just came back from a mission. So maybe thats an option. I don't know.
Well i need to get to class (maybe get some class) so i'll let you all get back to your lives.
Halifax is beautiful, and if i can get facebook to allow me to upload pictures ill show you all there.
One month in and every thing is going so well that my complaints are (obviously) trivial.
My email ( inbox is too often empty HINT HINT!
I love you all and miss you lots!!!!
people vote conservative because they are scared of the future
people vote liberal because they are scared of the Conservatives
What are you scared of?
I'm voting NDP this time.
Thanks to TV and for the convenience of TV, you can only be one of two kinds of human beings, either a liberal or a conservative.
- Kurt Vonnegut
Thursday, July 10, 2008
a limited veiw of life or god
OK I got goaded in to a discussion on gods plan, and the nature of man while i was off white watter rafting. the people i was talking with either had a very limited view of god or of life or, heaven help them, BOTH. on issues such as Gods plan; they pshawed when i told them that it was gods plan that i once stole a carton of cigarettes. To them it seemed impossible that gods plan could include such a blatant sin as theft. the thought that i am needed to do more on this earth, and need the correct skill set to do that, some how escaped them. to them "Thow shalt not steal" is the be all end all. OK i get it was literally written in stone, however; Getting caught stealing that carton of smokes, had a major effect on on my life. not only did i learn a "valuable lesson" but i was exposed to many other situations causing me to learn many more things and altering my perspectives, my experiences. Altering me! As someone who believes that I'm am on the course that God has planed. it is impossible to at the same time believe that stealing those 200 cigarettes was not gods will.
I understand that respecting others property, and not stealing are important. I am NOT advocating the wanton disregard for others and their property.
i AM saying that we are obviously altered by our experiences. Gods plan would have to include learning and growing. Have to.
the entire conversation had been started by Rick, (innocently enough) asking why there weren't more men in church. I for one enjoy debating, learning the deeper points of an issue. this an activity that is easier to find by going to the bottom of a bottle of rum with a friend than by going to a tabernacle.
This predominately church going group found deeper meanings either meaningless or were incapable of looking for them. what passed for depth amongst this crowd, was that because one member loved his daughter her life was not her own! my obviously blasphemous assertion that god gave me/ us all free will and there for we own our own lives, was met with more pshaws. he said "i look at my daughter (1yr old) and i can tell you her life is not her-own."
At that age maybe not, but my mind filed with the fights this por lad was going t have in 3 or so years as his own flesh and blood proves him wrong. Isn't part of loving some one allowing them to be themselves?
weather by car wreck or enlightenment i think god needs t cleans his house of the mind-locked arrogance found building up there. But that is just my first instinct, perhaps that is where it belongs.
I understand that respecting others property, and not stealing are important. I am NOT advocating the wanton disregard for others and their property.
i AM saying that we are obviously altered by our experiences. Gods plan would have to include learning and growing. Have to.
the entire conversation had been started by Rick, (innocently enough) asking why there weren't more men in church. I for one enjoy debating, learning the deeper points of an issue. this an activity that is easier to find by going to the bottom of a bottle of rum with a friend than by going to a tabernacle.
This predominately church going group found deeper meanings either meaningless or were incapable of looking for them. what passed for depth amongst this crowd, was that because one member loved his daughter her life was not her own! my obviously blasphemous assertion that god gave me/ us all free will and there for we own our own lives, was met with more pshaws. he said "i look at my daughter (1yr old) and i can tell you her life is not her-own."
At that age maybe not, but my mind filed with the fights this por lad was going t have in 3 or so years as his own flesh and blood proves him wrong. Isn't part of loving some one allowing them to be themselves?
weather by car wreck or enlightenment i think god needs t cleans his house of the mind-locked arrogance found building up there. But that is just my first instinct, perhaps that is where it belongs.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
head smashed
i dont mind being governed by cowards and fools
i do how ever have a few questions id like answered
how long are we going to continue on a crash course that we know is going to destroy us?
its ok, im not going to raise a ruckus, or alter events, i just want to know
it obvious that working hard and being a good person is not going to make a better life for you,how long do we continue working hard and being good?
its obvious that viewing the world through an economic prism is not going to make life better for us
we can see that allowing privet companies to distribute medications allowing supply and demand to set the price, is killing millions
how long do we sit by and allow those with the resources of power dictate our lives?
we know
1) the power stems from fear
control of the citizens stems from individual people who are willing to use guns and other weapons for pay. our police and military do their JOBS, and if they were not paid they would not use their guns to enforce laws
2)our money is meaning full only as long as we place value on it.
the value of items change in direct relation to how much we WANT something
3)emotion is controlled very effectively through music.
the musicians i know want to make more money. they feel that their trade ought to be to gain more items and valuables
4)a peaceful revolt requires nothing more than changing the perceptions of money in the populous.
and in order to do that we must learn to truly understand what money is now, how it works , and exploit the holes in monetary theory.
not just the glaring discrepancy between the right of ownership and the right to maintain your survival. (a starving man feeling its wrong to steal from Safeway)
but the more insidious ones. the ones that are tricks of math and spreading costs out to many while diverting profits to the few.
(the cost of dealing with pollutants is shared across the entire planet, while the profits from selling oil are concentrated in a few shareholders)
im not going to rock the boat, im not going to stop us from running in circles. in short im going to run towards headsmashedin along with the rest of you. i just want to know what we are running from and if any one else thinks its kinda dumb?
i do how ever have a few questions id like answered
how long are we going to continue on a crash course that we know is going to destroy us?
its ok, im not going to raise a ruckus, or alter events, i just want to know
it obvious that working hard and being a good person is not going to make a better life for you,how long do we continue working hard and being good?
its obvious that viewing the world through an economic prism is not going to make life better for us
we can see that allowing privet companies to distribute medications allowing supply and demand to set the price, is killing millions
how long do we sit by and allow those with the resources of power dictate our lives?
we know
1) the power stems from fear
control of the citizens stems from individual people who are willing to use guns and other weapons for pay. our police and military do their JOBS, and if they were not paid they would not use their guns to enforce laws
2)our money is meaning full only as long as we place value on it.
the value of items change in direct relation to how much we WANT something
3)emotion is controlled very effectively through music.
the musicians i know want to make more money. they feel that their trade ought to be to gain more items and valuables
4)a peaceful revolt requires nothing more than changing the perceptions of money in the populous.
and in order to do that we must learn to truly understand what money is now, how it works , and exploit the holes in monetary theory.
not just the glaring discrepancy between the right of ownership and the right to maintain your survival. (a starving man feeling its wrong to steal from Safeway)
but the more insidious ones. the ones that are tricks of math and spreading costs out to many while diverting profits to the few.
(the cost of dealing with pollutants is shared across the entire planet, while the profits from selling oil are concentrated in a few shareholders)
im not going to rock the boat, im not going to stop us from running in circles. in short im going to run towards headsmashedin along with the rest of you. i just want to know what we are running from and if any one else thinks its kinda dumb?
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
sue the government
the Alberta government is passing a law tis week that ties Alberta and BC's economy together. as a bonus it adds in a small tidbit allowing bignesses to sue the government for passing any law that infringes on profits.
if business's can sue the govt for passing laws that infringe on profits. it makes the act of outlawing any thing impossible. it makes increasing business tax impossible. this means that all the tax burden will have to fall to the citizens.
citizens who don't have the right to9 sue if the government passes laws that are unprofitable to them.
things such as supplying safety equipment and minimum wage would be impossible to legislate in to existence if this law were in place in the past. do we really believe that minimum wage should not be raised ever again? like in 30years do we still think 8.50 or what ever it is will suffice?
hiring new police could reduce the demand for security guards, hence security companies could sue to prevent that.
upgrading our watter treatment plants could cut in to the sales of bottled water. think of any law passed, it has to cut into someones profits some ware. it doesn't take too much imagination to realize that the government would be unable to alter any thing with out spending more $$ fighting lawsuits. would instituting a clean energy plan hurt the profits of “dirty” energy?
and once the law is passed a new law would be needed to repeal it. but because it would have to be passed during this laws standing, it could be brought top court as a n unprofitable law. (especially to lawyers)
meaning that only an over throw of the provincial government would be able to remove the law, but we cant just over throw the Alberta government, with out effecting the Federal government.
this is a government basically legislating themselves inn to powerlessness. the vote is the way we the people exert our power over our surroundings. if the power of that vote is removed, then our democracy becomes as meaning full as Barbie's hairdo.
amongst all the corruption and lies we see in politics, it can be difficult to remember that the reason we have politicians, and a house of Representatives, and elections, is to allow US to decide what we will and will not allow to happen. not courts and high priced lawyers. not business executives, or multinational corporations. but US
the people. and we should be free to change our minds if we find out we were wrong. if we decide that we thing Internet communications is an essential service shouldn't we be free to create city wide wifi zones? or should the ISP's be ensured of there profits? could we decide that dentistry be covered under heath care? could we decide that we wanted a larger share of the oil sands?
could we decide that all kitchen staff in restaurants sanitize their hands after using the washroom?
No the only laws that will be able to pass are ones that further tax citizen's and reduce tax and safety measures on business. fucking idiot Conservatives we have anyway
if business's can sue the govt for passing laws that infringe on profits. it makes the act of outlawing any thing impossible. it makes increasing business tax impossible. this means that all the tax burden will have to fall to the citizens.
citizens who don't have the right to9 sue if the government passes laws that are unprofitable to them.
things such as supplying safety equipment and minimum wage would be impossible to legislate in to existence if this law were in place in the past. do we really believe that minimum wage should not be raised ever again? like in 30years do we still think 8.50 or what ever it is will suffice?
hiring new police could reduce the demand for security guards, hence security companies could sue to prevent that.
upgrading our watter treatment plants could cut in to the sales of bottled water. think of any law passed, it has to cut into someones profits some ware. it doesn't take too much imagination to realize that the government would be unable to alter any thing with out spending more $$ fighting lawsuits. would instituting a clean energy plan hurt the profits of “dirty” energy?
and once the law is passed a new law would be needed to repeal it. but because it would have to be passed during this laws standing, it could be brought top court as a n unprofitable law. (especially to lawyers)
meaning that only an over throw of the provincial government would be able to remove the law, but we cant just over throw the Alberta government, with out effecting the Federal government.
this is a government basically legislating themselves inn to powerlessness. the vote is the way we the people exert our power over our surroundings. if the power of that vote is removed, then our democracy becomes as meaning full as Barbie's hairdo.
amongst all the corruption and lies we see in politics, it can be difficult to remember that the reason we have politicians, and a house of Representatives, and elections, is to allow US to decide what we will and will not allow to happen. not courts and high priced lawyers. not business executives, or multinational corporations. but US
the people. and we should be free to change our minds if we find out we were wrong. if we decide that we thing Internet communications is an essential service shouldn't we be free to create city wide wifi zones? or should the ISP's be ensured of there profits? could we decide that dentistry be covered under heath care? could we decide that we wanted a larger share of the oil sands?
could we decide that all kitchen staff in restaurants sanitize their hands after using the washroom?
No the only laws that will be able to pass are ones that further tax citizen's and reduce tax and safety measures on business. fucking idiot Conservatives we have anyway
revolutions of the middleclassed?
all the revolutions I've read about have stemmed from a poor population able to live in the wilderness while waging there attacks. what of a populous who still has homes? does the act of having a residence negate the ability to revolt? if so is keeping us housed part of the plan to usurp our rights? (doubt-full, homelessness is not a priority for our leaders)
Monday, March 31, 2008
when life gets the better of us, and bad things happen it is normal for people to question the meaning of life.
the idiots response
i cant figure it out therefor it makes no sense therefor there is no god
the the simpletons response
i cant figure it out , but id like it to make sense, therefor there must be a god
the enlightened response
i cant figure it out therefor it needs more consideration, therefor there may be a god
My response
i figured it out therefor...
the idiots response
i cant figure it out therefor it makes no sense therefor there is no god
the the simpletons response
i cant figure it out , but id like it to make sense, therefor there must be a god
the enlightened response
i cant figure it out therefor it needs more consideration, therefor there may be a god
My response
i figured it out therefor...
Sunday, March 30, 2008
my email to mandel
My mother is nearing 60. As a professional single mom , she had her hard ships. Now she is being forced to move in with her mother (nearing 80) so they both can afford to live. But this letter isn't about anything so trivial as the loss of dignity for a couple of loving soles. Its about the fact that now i am also considering moving in with them. Not to relieve the pressures of living in a economic boom ,but to protect them from the unprecedented violence this city is experiencing.
“The art mayor” the one who will go down in history as the proof that even during economic access “the left” can't run a city.
While focusing on necessity such as road sign triangles, and a new stadium, (that we all believe wont cost tax payers any thing), the superfluous things have gone unattended. Things like police. We have had the Guardian Angels come in to attempt to pick up the slack left by an under funded mismanaged police force. Because thats what a city needs; a charity group police. If we cant assure the safety of the people, why do they pay taxes? Why not pay it to the growing number of gangs. and see if maybe they would be willing to defend their income base. My mother walks her dog less than a block from the latest shooting. How am i to rest thinking that a midnight piddle run could put her in the line of fire?
I'm sure as mayor you have more important things to worry about. But we know once Albertans choose a political mistake we stick with it. So you have many terms to immortalize your self. and in the not too distant future, you can have a plaque on the new hockey house. A plaque i can run my nieces and nephews past sheltering them from the LA style gang wars.
sincerely hating my city
Scott Sinclair
“The art mayor” the one who will go down in history as the proof that even during economic access “the left” can't run a city.
While focusing on necessity such as road sign triangles, and a new stadium, (that we all believe wont cost tax payers any thing), the superfluous things have gone unattended. Things like police. We have had the Guardian Angels come in to attempt to pick up the slack left by an under funded mismanaged police force. Because thats what a city needs; a charity group police. If we cant assure the safety of the people, why do they pay taxes? Why not pay it to the growing number of gangs. and see if maybe they would be willing to defend their income base. My mother walks her dog less than a block from the latest shooting. How am i to rest thinking that a midnight piddle run could put her in the line of fire?
I'm sure as mayor you have more important things to worry about. But we know once Albertans choose a political mistake we stick with it. So you have many terms to immortalize your self. and in the not too distant future, you can have a plaque on the new hockey house. A plaque i can run my nieces and nephews past sheltering them from the LA style gang wars.
sincerely hating my city
Scott Sinclair
Friday, March 28, 2008
pay for it?
it may be part of some lie , or a broad stroke of corporate brain washing. but we in the west like to shop. and well, it may be true that we need to fix our selfs of this compulsion to hide our inner needs in shopping... we don't have time.
the planet is entering an ecological tail spin. if we don't fix it first we all die. causing no more compulsion to shop. problem solved.
most of us are hoping for a bit more animated solution. so lets stop fighting up hill battles. will someone PLEASE work out the dollars and cents of what it would cost to fix our ill planet. if we had a number no matter how absurdly large, we could get people motivated. hell celebrities could auction off the dresses they were photographed puking out the sides of cabs in. some thing the un-caring masses can but and show their equally self absorbed friends that they are indeed purchasing the cure.
i mean there has to be something else i can buy other than adbusters to display that i am the cure. like trading cards for the earth.
the planet is entering an ecological tail spin. if we don't fix it first we all die. causing no more compulsion to shop. problem solved.
most of us are hoping for a bit more animated solution. so lets stop fighting up hill battles. will someone PLEASE work out the dollars and cents of what it would cost to fix our ill planet. if we had a number no matter how absurdly large, we could get people motivated. hell celebrities could auction off the dresses they were photographed puking out the sides of cabs in. some thing the un-caring masses can but and show their equally self absorbed friends that they are indeed purchasing the cure.
i mean there has to be something else i can buy other than adbusters to display that i am the cure. like trading cards for the earth.
Monday, March 10, 2008
52% dident vote and a maybe dead cat
a long time ago people got mad at being controlled by kings who had no right other than birth to rule. what passed for left wing politics at the time, returned with the idea of us doing it our selves. so as a group we decided to govern our selves. but some how this ratfuck town has for gotten all of that. we can pay 1.2 million dollars for big signs on the road, but cant afford a police department to keep us safe. so much now that the government is relying on the guardian angels to come in and pick up the slack. we can put up a new stadium for a privately owned hockey club. but cant extend the buses so the populous can get around. the government has ceased to be a voice for the people and has become a funding arm for large corporations. you get to the provincial level and we have health care always under the gun as not being affordable, we have had our roads go to hell, and we subsidize the oil company's to take our oil and sell it back to us. you know why people don't vote? its because we can see the government isn't our voice, no party is. and its not about us, its about business. if some one < ANY ONE gave us something to vote for, then you may get over half the people to actually vote. but when all party's are on a slide rule of how much $ to offer or limit to various company's... well we don't give a shit. tell me how your going to put things in place for the PEOPLE. id say we have only a coupla years before the people get tired of being marginalized, and grab guns. and it would be the end of a good idea of a country. but its becoming a worse and worse country so maybe thats why they are letting it die.
i cant understand it. thinking out side the box is easy; but like Schrödinger's cat; its trying to figure out what the fuck is going on in the inside thats the challenge.
i cant understand it. thinking out side the box is easy; but like Schrödinger's cat; its trying to figure out what the fuck is going on in the inside thats the challenge.
think about it first
USE your mind.
no seriously, take time to think about stuff that doesn't easily flow through your predigest, things that take energy to wrap your mind around. not like math problems, although they can be used but to really understand things like the sun never sets and Australasians don't fall off the world , how do they view the globe. what was my grandfathers childhood really like and how did he think of the future. accept that your view of the world is probably wrong and construed through the layered beliefs placed on you by fear laden hearts. people who didn't mean bad, but were trying to protect you from a world that had hurt them or worse scared them. challenge all of your beliefs. the more commonly held an opinion the more you need to search for a reason to maintain it. your life is just a short rhythm on your sole and you really don't have time to to be lost in others fears. when you can clear your mind and use it to do your bidding other than just cycle through fear based emotional spasms. then, Then you can ask me your questions.
strip your self of fear so when you stand in gods presence you can stand.
god will not have fear and to rejoin him you may not either
your fears are now yours, and are now your fault. you must cure yourself.
the good news is its easy. just challenge every thing that you think. tear at your thoughts as a starving dog goes at the marrow of a bone.
don't look to others for approval. you must find approval within your self. only do what you approve of you doing. never regret. NEVER. for your past has lead you here. and from the here and now you are going forward. relentlessly pursue your self your own mind your own moment. the place ware all eternity cant be with out. it is that place in your mind you cultivate.nothing is too big or small to be questioned. there is no blasphemy in thought. the only true blasphemy, comes from not thinking. from being to lazy to use your mind thus accepting anothers ideas as truth. use YOUR mind.
no seriously, take time to think about stuff that doesn't easily flow through your predigest, things that take energy to wrap your mind around. not like math problems, although they can be used but to really understand things like the sun never sets and Australasians don't fall off the world , how do they view the globe. what was my grandfathers childhood really like and how did he think of the future. accept that your view of the world is probably wrong and construed through the layered beliefs placed on you by fear laden hearts. people who didn't mean bad, but were trying to protect you from a world that had hurt them or worse scared them. challenge all of your beliefs. the more commonly held an opinion the more you need to search for a reason to maintain it. your life is just a short rhythm on your sole and you really don't have time to to be lost in others fears. when you can clear your mind and use it to do your bidding other than just cycle through fear based emotional spasms. then, Then you can ask me your questions.
strip your self of fear so when you stand in gods presence you can stand.
god will not have fear and to rejoin him you may not either
your fears are now yours, and are now your fault. you must cure yourself.
the good news is its easy. just challenge every thing that you think. tear at your thoughts as a starving dog goes at the marrow of a bone.
don't look to others for approval. you must find approval within your self. only do what you approve of you doing. never regret. NEVER. for your past has lead you here. and from the here and now you are going forward. relentlessly pursue your self your own mind your own moment. the place ware all eternity cant be with out. it is that place in your mind you cultivate.nothing is too big or small to be questioned. there is no blasphemy in thought. the only true blasphemy, comes from not thinking. from being to lazy to use your mind thus accepting anothers ideas as truth. use YOUR mind.
Saturday, March 08, 2008
i think i figured it out. i have always just done as i felt was right. but through some mind fuck twist i have started worrying about how i am perceived to others.i haven't even been blogging because i now feel the need to answer to people about what i was thinking... it says up there ^ that its a spot to post my thoughts. not fodder for your conversation. just if you want to know what im thinking, then its hear. if you want to question my thoughts? don't expect me to wast my time
i dont know what im doing right now.
ive spent my life just following a path that was laid out for me. i never had to worrie too much b/c i had seen the end and was alright with it.
until recently.
in the last year the sense that im doing nothing has grown up around me. more terrifying still, is that doing nothing is the wrong thing.
a latent stress is piling on as if to warn me that i need to do something... any thing and that the longer i wait the more work its going to be.
this could be a caffeine thing though so ill get back to ya
ive spent my life just following a path that was laid out for me. i never had to worrie too much b/c i had seen the end and was alright with it.
until recently.
in the last year the sense that im doing nothing has grown up around me. more terrifying still, is that doing nothing is the wrong thing.
a latent stress is piling on as if to warn me that i need to do something... any thing and that the longer i wait the more work its going to be.
this could be a caffeine thing though so ill get back to ya
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
an open responce to a privet quarry(sp?)
I can only think of 2 things to write right now
1) w bush is proof we have lost democracy to the bureaucrats.
2) i was told that god is infinite love. the world has pain and sorrow in it, therefor maybe the world is shielded from god in some way. makes some sort of twisted sense.
***Blasphemy alert****
if you think about it the Catholic god wants you to be obedient and subservient. and to spend your eternity in the praise of him. But supposedly we are his creations and he has given us the amazing ability to question, as well as the need we all feel to create (and destroy).
Our creative drives; and our destructive drives; have the ability to fill and charge us. To make your life seem to make sense while caught up in the midst of it. And these are the very drives that are to be sublimated and repressed in order to gain some treat from our maker?
well maybe if god is stupid. but it sounds like Frigidaire saying it holds a special “prize” for all the fridges it built that can stay room temperature regardless of voltage and freon levels.
I create and I destroy. And those are the only 2 times when i feel truly ok with myself. the only times i feel “alive”. the only times i don't feel awkward and out of place.
IF i was created by some thing with reason and logic, then it would make sense that the traits i was designed for are the ones i naturally display. this be good and obedient crap is absolutely against my hard wired functions. so if god were blocked from seeing me, and thus this world is ruled by a devil, then i could kinda understand the promise of eternal life given to the simple obedient ones, because the promise is a lie.
or maybe not, but i am sure about the first thing.
1) w bush is proof we have lost democracy to the bureaucrats.
2) i was told that god is infinite love. the world has pain and sorrow in it, therefor maybe the world is shielded from god in some way. makes some sort of twisted sense.
***Blasphemy alert****
if you think about it the Catholic god wants you to be obedient and subservient. and to spend your eternity in the praise of him. But supposedly we are his creations and he has given us the amazing ability to question, as well as the need we all feel to create (and destroy).
Our creative drives; and our destructive drives; have the ability to fill and charge us. To make your life seem to make sense while caught up in the midst of it. And these are the very drives that are to be sublimated and repressed in order to gain some treat from our maker?
well maybe if god is stupid. but it sounds like Frigidaire saying it holds a special “prize” for all the fridges it built that can stay room temperature regardless of voltage and freon levels.
I create and I destroy. And those are the only 2 times when i feel truly ok with myself. the only times i feel “alive”. the only times i don't feel awkward and out of place.
IF i was created by some thing with reason and logic, then it would make sense that the traits i was designed for are the ones i naturally display. this be good and obedient crap is absolutely against my hard wired functions. so if god were blocked from seeing me, and thus this world is ruled by a devil, then i could kinda understand the promise of eternal life given to the simple obedient ones, because the promise is a lie.
or maybe not, but i am sure about the first thing.
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