Wednesday, December 03, 2008

All Bout ME Novemberween

as i sit waiting to find out if FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt) works as well in politics as it dose in software, it dawns on me that regardless of the world situation, i haven't talked about my self for almost a month now!!!!! I must prioritize!

So here's all about me novemberween.

First of all id like to thank all the people who have herd my pleas for emails and decided to send me little notes on the goings on in there lives... both of them. its probably the fact that as i wax philosophical, my letters tend to become a bit verbose. so in case you don't make it to the end of this. . . HAY PLEASE EMAIL ME STUFF!! i want to know whats going on in your life (yes you in particular, you know who i'm talking to, YOU!).

but I can sympathize, this letter was just about not typed. several parts were rehearsed in my head as i walked home each night from school. (see i think of you). But as i have a poly-sci final this afternoon,( went to double check on web to make sure it was evening not morning) and my memory seems to be plaguing me with insecurities (but i was right it is at 7 pm). -um what was i saying??
oh ya right! so my main laptop had to be sent back to HP to have them fix the touch screen. its not that it was really broke , it just had a tendency to think that it was being poked in places that it wasn't. leaving my cursor to randomly jump around within the document i was typing in. Now i know you don't notice it in my letters, because of the myriad of paths i branch off on while bashing out my views. but when typing a program for computer sciences it can be hell. ( a misplaced {or ' can crash a program or cause my computer to freeze up. (and as I had to use vista-shudders- restarts can take up most of my home work time.) - what oh ya close the other brackets)
So my main computer is away. I still have my little netbook. But typing on that is absolute hell. When i first got it i noticed that the 'i' some times wouldn't register. And i was going to send it in to be fixed. but because i thought it may partially be my fault for being a bad typist, and it was a 20 min bus ride, i put it off. deciding instead to mention my problems with it every time some one intercepts me using it to ask about it. (this happens All the time!) now warranty period is up and the missing has spread to the 'o'. Just 2 of the vowels. How many words have vowels in them? oh ya. so 2/5 of the monosyllabic words i write i have to go back and correct. That is ONTOP of the spelling errors i make because of my inability to remember spelling rules. was it 'i' before 'p' except after 'b'?...
so i wasn't going to wait to send in my good computer. see i do learn...
but you see studying for a poly-sci test is virtually impossible when every time politics crosses your mind you have to check google to see if the Governor General has got off a plane yet.(gotta check...nope not yet) Isn't it nice to see how Harper can bring people together across party lines in an embrace of ... well, hating Harper.
The good news is i'm using all the vocabulary words from my course all across facebook, and no one has yet to tell me my vocabulary is incorrect. And if the insults are any indicator they are reading me.(i feel validated when people respond to me on facebook, kinda sad but true.) On the other hand, its difficult to read between the lines when the entire response is 2 words. the first one ending with a 'k' and the second one is 'you'.( it still makes me feel validated. take that, facebookers! your insults only go to foster my self worth!!)
AS the primary purpose of this email (as always) is to solicit responses; i'm left wondering if i ought to put in my 2 cents here. they say you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar. BUT flies flock to sh- er manure.
as i decide i'll aside.
On one of my many forays in to google news, i came across this little diddy. It seams the the US intelligence (there oxymoron not mine) has stated that a WMD (remember them) attack on the USA is probable in the next 5 years. All i'm going to say about it is; If it happens before Obama takes office, that little prick Bush will declare a state of emergency and he'll never leave.( its here I don't make this crap up!)

Remember the olden days of Chretien, where the biggest political problems facing the country were medicinal marjiwana, and weather gays could joint file tax returns?

ok for the sake of not wasting your entire day perusing my ramblings, the quick facts.
Classes are all done for me, just finals to write (no essays) so its just studying till the 11th.
the 15th i'm back in Edmonton. Hopefully ill have my computer back by then, so i can read all of your emails. and the inevitable using too much bandwidth complaints from whatever ISP i'm connected too. (but i'm sure Chad will let me use his computer if mines not back, so don't hold off on emailing me because of that.
I think Christmas will be boxing day at the farm, and my return flight is on the 3rd. so i'm free other than that for drinks or cookies, or just about any thing else. call em email me facebook, whatever is your preferred way of making plans.

now if your the type of person who would put-off, or just not make a reply to an email that may insult your political opinions; stop reading after this paragraph. I most likely miss you, want to spend time with you, value your opinions and look forward to seeing you as soon as i can. Have a merry Christmas ( but try not to be to consumerist with it). i wish you Luck Love and Laughter in the new year.

for every one else;
I still most likely miss you, want to spend time with you, value your opinions and look forward to seeing you as soon as i can. and Still hope you Have a merry Christmas ( but try not to be to consumerist with it). i wish you Luck Love and Laughter in the new year.

ok from what i can tell the people who oppose the coalition government have a few things in common. and they are loosely related things as well.
first of all they don't seem to have a true understanding of Canada's parliamentary system. This tends to be a result of confusing us with the USA. They also are more likely to NOT be followers of politics at other times. This may be part of the reason they don't remember Harper making deals with these same "separatist and socialist" to prop up his previous governments. the fact that the current Conservative party is a coalition of the reformers and the progressive Conservative party. As well as Harper's attempt to do EXACTLY the same thing when Paul Marten had a minority government.They tend to fall for catchphrase politics and thus supported the Conservatives in the last election. they feel like they are loosing there gold medal because of drug testing.
well the drugs were banned and Ben Johnson was NOT robbed.
Harper Knew he had a minority government. just 2 days after the election he released that the Conservatives had enough funds to run another election. This was obviously meant as a thereat to other parties. in fact i believe the only reason he tabled such an asinine bill in the first place was he wanted to cause an election. so he could campaign that a majority is needed to run a country and any thing else will just put Canada in a stalemate. he doesn't want to have to confer with others he wants the all encompassing power Mulroney had(the Conservative that brought us the GST) .
we (most Canadians) leaned then that we don't want runaway ideologues running us. forcing governments to reach consensus with differing points of view tends to make sure that we all have a safer future. It was another runaway Majority that brought gay marriage that many of you Conservatives didn't want.
Canada has had cotillion governments in the past and this is nothing new. As well as most European countries run just fine on minority coalitions. (the Swiss are almost exclusively coalitions). In fact the only 2 party system that has any -ahem success, is the States. but our system is nothing like theirs.

and just so as i don't let any one off the hook,
The supporters of this move ought to remember the harsh words we have had about being in bed with the bloc. we weren't so quiet when Harper's attempt to do EXACTLY the same thing when Paul Marten had a minority government. It seems our own memories may not be so clear. the differences are of course simple. Harper kills kittens!

I do love most of you and like you all; now i do have to study for my final... after just one more look at the news......\

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