Thursday, January 08, 2009

an open letter to my roomate

how have you been lately?

ill let you in on a little secret.
when people ask how are you, or hows your day,
its bullshit
absolute and utter crap
nobody, absolutely nobody really cares how your really feeling
we say it because if we feign interest in your life,
you'll feign interest in ours
its bullshit, yes
but in the absence of any real answers
the entire planet has decided to go with it.
even a misanthrope such as you
you enjoy when someone inquirer's about your opinion

its actually amazing when you think of it
on this planet we still kill each other over our ideas of the afterlife
we cant decide to allow everyone the dignity to eat
the Internet is abuzz with conflicting opinions regarding every piece of cinema ever made
nothing else can we agree upon
but this
this one piece of bullshit
we mostly agree its bullshit as well
but this is the only unifier
ill pretend to care about your problems if you pretend to care about mine.
its the real social contract
So Mitchel,
before you go off on a tyraid about how your being disrespected,
pause, and think for a second;
have you pretended to care about what i feel?
if not...
What makes you think I'll even PRETEND TO GIVE A SHIT about you?
by the way...

hows that stuff you care about going?

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