Monday, March 10, 2008

52% dident vote and a maybe dead cat

a long time ago people got mad at being controlled by kings who had no right other than birth to rule. what passed for left wing politics at the time, returned with the idea of us doing it our selves. so as a group we decided to govern our selves. but some how this ratfuck town has for gotten all of that. we can pay 1.2 million dollars for big signs on the road, but cant afford a police department to keep us safe. so much now that the government is relying on the guardian angels to come in and pick up the slack. we can put up a new stadium for a privately owned hockey club. but cant extend the buses so the populous can get around. the government has ceased to be a voice for the people and has become a funding arm for large corporations. you get to the provincial level and we have health care always under the gun as not being affordable, we have had our roads go to hell, and we subsidize the oil company's to take our oil and sell it back to us. you know why people don't vote? its because we can see the government isn't our voice, no party is. and its not about us, its about business. if some one < ANY ONE gave us something to vote for, then you may get over half the people to actually vote. but when all party's are on a slide rule of how much $ to offer or limit to various company's... well we don't give a shit. tell me how your going to put things in place for the PEOPLE. id say we have only a coupla years before the people get tired of being marginalized, and grab guns. and it would be the end of a good idea of a country. but its becoming a worse and worse country so maybe thats why they are letting it die.
i cant understand it. thinking out side the box is easy; but like Schrödinger's cat; its trying to figure out what the fuck is going on in the inside thats the challenge.

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