Friday, March 28, 2008

pay for it?

it may be part of some lie , or a broad stroke of corporate brain washing. but we in the west like to shop. and well, it may be true that we need to fix our selfs of this compulsion to hide our inner needs in shopping... we don't have time.
the planet is entering an ecological tail spin. if we don't fix it first we all die. causing no more compulsion to shop. problem solved.
most of us are hoping for a bit more animated solution. so lets stop fighting up hill battles. will someone PLEASE work out the dollars and cents of what it would cost to fix our ill planet. if we had a number no matter how absurdly large, we could get people motivated. hell celebrities could auction off the dresses they were photographed puking out the sides of cabs in. some thing the un-caring masses can but and show their equally self absorbed friends that they are indeed purchasing the cure.
i mean there has to be something else i can buy other than adbusters to display that i am the cure. like trading cards for the earth.

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