Thursday, July 10, 2008

a limited veiw of life or god

OK I got goaded in to a discussion on gods plan, and the nature of man while i was off white watter rafting. the people i was talking with either had a very limited view of god or of life or, heaven help them, BOTH. on issues such as Gods plan; they pshawed when i told them that it was gods plan that i once stole a carton of cigarettes. To them it seemed impossible that gods plan could include such a blatant sin as theft. the thought that i am needed to do more on this earth, and need the correct skill set to do that, some how escaped them. to them "Thow shalt not steal" is the be all end all. OK i get it was literally written in stone, however; Getting caught stealing that carton of smokes, had a major effect on on my life. not only did i learn a "valuable lesson" but i was exposed to many other situations causing me to learn many more things and altering my perspectives, my experiences. Altering me! As someone who believes that I'm am on the course that God has planed. it is impossible to at the same time believe that stealing those 200 cigarettes was not gods will.
I understand that respecting others property, and not stealing are important. I am NOT advocating the wanton disregard for others and their property.
i AM saying that we are obviously altered by our experiences. Gods plan would have to include learning and growing. Have to.
the entire conversation had been started by Rick, (innocently enough) asking why there weren't more men in church. I for one enjoy debating, learning the deeper points of an issue. this an activity that is easier to find by going to the bottom of a bottle of rum with a friend than by going to a tabernacle.
This predominately church going group found deeper meanings either meaningless or were incapable of looking for them. what passed for depth amongst this crowd, was that because one member loved his daughter her life was not her own! my obviously blasphemous assertion that god gave me/ us all free will and there for we own our own lives, was met with more pshaws. he said "i look at my daughter (1yr old) and i can tell you her life is not her-own."
At that age maybe not, but my mind filed with the fights this por lad was going t have in 3 or so years as his own flesh and blood proves him wrong. Isn't part of loving some one allowing them to be themselves?
weather by car wreck or enlightenment i think god needs t cleans his house of the mind-locked arrogance found building up there. But that is just my first instinct, perhaps that is where it belongs.

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