Tuesday, September 30, 2008

all about me again

this was sent as a mass(sadly small) email to the names i have in my gmail account. if you never received it, that means you haven't sent me an email.. how sad. so please do to get the next one.... when ever that may be

So its been a month. I figure ts time for an update.
After all the shareholders deserve to see that there investments are being put to good use.

The only class so far that I've had any tests in is computers, so I'm doing awesome. Grannie will be happy to know i never wasted any of the money she sent; i bought a counter top dishwasher. It'll be with me for life and every day it makes my life nicer!

I have 2 roommates, well 3 if you count the guy who doesn't talk. He can i know, because hes asked the rest of us to “keep it down” one night. He spoke as though he was appealing to our humanity and we ought to respect him as a person. My question is, when i say “good morning” when i see him in the kitchen, or “hay, hows it goin” if i see him in the living room. Would not that same humanity state you go through the arduous task of muttering a “hay” in return? So after 3 weeks of him acting as though he was a conscientious objector to our occupation of the house, I've decided, that the laws of war apply. As the occupier i must assume that i was the victor and thus the stronger party. Therefore, i must do all in my power to quell the dissidents. Of course i would prefer to do this by making the “natives” feel at home and like they belong... but Machiavelli also has a bit to say on the matter. (just kidding, i don't have time to have a little war at home. I have a polly-sci teacher who has an unhealthy Conservative bent who requires most of my attention.)
I KNOW! A CONSERVATIVE PROF!!!! Well I'm sure she thinks of herself as liberal as the rest of “intelligentsia” but shes got a thing where she still believes that Conservatives in this country are libertarians. Like the fact they want to regulate the citizen but not the bushiness is not to be discussed in class, just that Laissez-faire economics means that your less regulated... I digress.
Maybe i ought to have made that its own paragraph. Its more of a complete idea unto its self, than a closer to the previous thought.

I Digress.

If ever write a biography thats what I'll call it.
or maybe put that on my tombstone; Scott Sinclair: I digress.

Any way...
so no less than 2 hurricanes have blown past and neither one was much of a storm. I'm sorrily disappointed. No lightning at all. I do realize that I'm from Lethbridge, but even the winds were calm. Just a little rain and thats it. I remember the day god killed my rabbit with a flash hail storm. That little diddy will remain in my memory long after these so called hurricanes have faded in to the ever growing library of unimportant moments in my life.
Did i do something wrong? Like the “Hockey riots” i was in were not ciaos, it was thousands of people, being relatively law abiding, (a little public drunkenness, but that was all for the most part.) never got to see a tornado despite all the time i spent in central Alberta trailer parks trying to sell vaccumes. I've lived with prostitutes and drug dealers, purposely walking down dark alleys alone. And now 2, 2! hurricanes and still no ciaos. As i pause on my birthday to see if I'm doing anything worthwhile with my wobbles around the sun; the most chaos i have encountered is the fragments of dreams that have stuck with me from my youthful night terrors. Its clear that a modicum of intelligence and an alert guardian angle is all that is needed to make the western world safe. Don't get me wrong. I don't like pain. And i definitely don't want to die. But I'd like to experience some of the events that people talk about with that “awh” tone that separates events, from conversations of deck stains... and of course bathroom functions at the dinner table.
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that is not me digressing. ( is digressing a word? Either way this is definitely digressing now, ill just close the brackets and get back to it.) that is the biases of me starting to formulate a plan. I want to spend my summer over seas. Perhaps in a 3rd world country. Too see what life is like amongst desperation. I'm not sure if I've got the balls to go to Baghdad right off the bat. But i want to see if maybe its all hyped a little too much.
I figure either way i win. If its as bad as they say i can have my fill of WOW moments, allowing me to live life with out taking needles risks. Or it is hype, and i can come back with the smug knowledge that I know and no one else does. I like feeling smug, admit it you do too. In fact doesn't hiding how smug you are make you feel a little better; not only do you fell smug for what ever reason, but you can feel smug about how your soo much better at hiding how smug you feel than everyone else... if they only knew....
ahem.. ya;

So any ideas as to how i can put this plan in to action would be helpfull. I think i herd it was rebeca that just came back from a mission. So maybe thats an option. I don't know.

Well i need to get to class (maybe get some class) so i'll let you all get back to your lives.

Halifax is beautiful, and if i can get facebook to allow me to upload pictures ill show you all there.
One month in and every thing is going so well that my complaints are (obviously) trivial.
My email (livesin@gmail.com) inbox is too often empty HINT HINT!
I love you all and miss you lots!!!!

people vote conservative because they are scared of the future
people vote liberal because they are scared of the Conservatives

What are you scared of?

I'm voting NDP this time.

Thanks to TV and for the convenience of TV, you can only be one of two kinds of human beings, either a liberal or a conservative.
- Kurt Vonnegut

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