Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Really about me October-ish edition

Lets see what can a student who does nothing tell you about?

I could go off on the usa 'lection, or Canada's. But unsolicited political rants arn't my style.(YA RIGHT!!, just don't feel like it, I'm a little politicked out right now.)

Now we do know how I love to brag. To be fair we all do. Sit back and count many “I me my” sentences you and your friends use in a regular conversation. It'll show you how surprisingly ego-centric we all are. Then quickly get over it. After all sharing your inner reality with others is more fulfilling than endlessly droning on about the weather. Which brings me back to my point. The other down side about bragging about the gorgeous weather, (and this city is BeauTIFUL in the fall,) is its not really about me. It doesn't really dig at anyone, and thats another part of bragging, its to get that dig in to someone. Like yay, I moved to a place after absolutely no consideration of the weather, But YAY ME, its nice... .... ... see what I mean, not worth bragging about. in fact id delete all of that if it wasn't for the fact I'm a painfully slow typer and i cant bare to see 4 hours of my work just disappear.

Maybe I should tell you about the fights I'm having with my teachers. But none have come to an interesting crescendo yet. There was the let down of my Philosophy teacher. OK quick back ground; Utilitarians take the view that all moral decisions ought to be chosen by what ever will cause the most happiness. Well my prof goes on to explain that if every one just wants to make every one else happy, and the only way to make others happy is to give them something they want, then you can only make them happy by ruthlessly pursuing what ever your heart desires. therefore negating everyone else's happiness. NOW, I'm ok with people having OBVIOUSLY wrong ideas about the nature of love, life and the world. some of my friends and family fall in to this crowed, (come on try to figure out who I'm talking about, its the new funner game!) and it doesn't alter my feelings toward them at all. But they are not in a position to force me to regurgitate their falsehoods. In fact as soon as this pile of fly attractant had fallen from his mouth, my prof ended class. the next Philosophy class was the test. Grinding my teeth I carved this stupidity in to the test paper.
With my class schedule i have phil. on Tuesdays and Thursdays only. so it was an entire week later that i was able to make my case. I sat through the lecture waiting for my chance to ask questions. It was a long class. A really really really long class. But finally it was question time so i asked why a smart person wouldn't develop a secondary goal, thus giving others something they can give you to make you happy. which would make them happy, which would fulfil the goal of making others happy. Thus making his argument against utilitarianism null and void! VOID I tell ya, VOID!!! Boo-ya! Now he was going to tell me that he was no longer going to teach these young impressionable minds lies, and the world was going to be just a bit better of a place.!!! With no voice inflection at all he said, "That might work.". he hadn't even finished saying might and he was pointing at another student prompting for the next question.
In a word; Deflated.

Or i could go on about how I'm soooooo NOT looking forward to flying back to Alberta for Christmas. As it turns out I'm not a good passenger in a plane. At least in a car I can pump the imaginary brake peddle on the passenger side. But in a plane, not only do they not have brake peddles, (I think the peddles control wing flaps... but I don't really know how the controls work, which means my imaginary ones are useless to me... more useless than... well any way), you can't even see the driver. Is he distracted, drowsy, was he taught faulty logic in school...?
My mom has told many about how how inner ear doesn't work for balance. Mine on the other hand is amazing! I can tell every pitch and turn of the plane!, which conflicts with what my eyes see, a 4 inch lcd screen that only shows the dumbest of reality tv. Come to think of it now I'm not so sure what was causing my nausea.
but if I went on about that people might think that I'm not looking forward to seeing them. which just simply isn't true.

so maybe i could just give some useless facts, like how my spell checker has a problem with lowercase "tv" and "ok", but is completely un-bothered by "funner". Really! it did at least stand up against "funnerest" and "gooder". Perhaps the battle for grammar, is akin to the battle to end crappy pop tunes on the radio; unattainable. Or at least less worthy of our effort than other more compelling crusades.
Well now if you find yourself with a little bit of free activist energy, and are unsure of what to do about it. Might I suggest you pick up a copy of Naomi Klein's "The Shock Doctrine".
The last hundred pages are just her sources and the like so don't be deterred by the size of the book. If your jaw doesn't drop at least once in amazement while reading it...(trying to think of a suitable finish to that statement. One that can span the gambit from Granni to Bri, and be relevant...).
Any way as you can see i have nothing to write about and am feeling distant from my audience. In short a complete case of writers block. so no real "all about me October-ish edition". Just a note to say i miss most of you. Ill get around to missing the rest of you later this week.(planning your time well is the only way to get through school).

As per usual if your reading this somewhere other than your e-mail and want me to include you in my mailing list, (Ohh listen to me 'mailing list' and all i may have a problem with being pretentious, you think so?) just e-mail me at


or if i'm sending it to multiple of your email addys tell me which one you actually read.
Or just email me and tell me about your life and such. all i ever find in my inbox are adds for pills to cure problems i don't think i have.

Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign - John Stuart Mill

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