Wednesday, April 23, 2008

sue the government

the Alberta government is passing a law tis week that ties Alberta and BC's economy together. as a bonus it adds in a small tidbit allowing bignesses to sue the government for passing any law that infringes on profits.
if business's can sue the govt for passing laws that infringe on profits. it makes the act of outlawing any thing impossible. it makes increasing business tax impossible. this means that all the tax burden will have to fall to the citizens.

citizens who don't have the right to9 sue if the government passes laws that are unprofitable to them.

things such as supplying safety equipment and minimum wage would be impossible to legislate in to existence if this law were in place in the past. do we really believe that minimum wage should not be raised ever again? like in 30years do we still think 8.50 or what ever it is will suffice?

hiring new police could reduce the demand for security guards, hence security companies could sue to prevent that.

upgrading our watter treatment plants could cut in to the sales of bottled water. think of any law passed, it has to cut into someones profits some ware. it doesn't take too much imagination to realize that the government would be unable to alter any thing with out spending more $$ fighting lawsuits. would instituting a clean energy plan hurt the profits of “dirty” energy?

and once the law is passed a new law would be needed to repeal it. but because it would have to be passed during this laws standing, it could be brought top court as a n unprofitable law. (especially to lawyers)

meaning that only an over throw of the provincial government would be able to remove the law, but we cant just over throw the Alberta government, with out effecting the Federal government.

this is a government basically legislating themselves inn to powerlessness. the vote is the way we the people exert our power over our surroundings. if the power of that vote is removed, then our democracy becomes as meaning full as Barbie's hairdo.

amongst all the corruption and lies we see in politics, it can be difficult to remember that the reason we have politicians, and a house of Representatives, and elections, is to allow US to decide what we will and will not allow to happen. not courts and high priced lawyers. not business executives, or multinational corporations. but US

the people. and we should be free to change our minds if we find out we were wrong. if we decide that we thing Internet communications is an essential service shouldn't we be free to create city wide wifi zones? or should the ISP's be ensured of there profits? could we decide that dentistry be covered under heath care? could we decide that we wanted a larger share of the oil sands?

could we decide that all kitchen staff in restaurants sanitize their hands after using the washroom?

No the only laws that will be able to pass are ones that further tax citizen's and reduce tax and safety measures on business. fucking idiot Conservatives we have anyway

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to read a lot more about this. I read BC news everyday and have heard nothing about surprise, really. Anything that would outrage the general public regarding the government is generally ignored by mainstream media.