Tuesday, December 01, 2009

they put Sasha to sleep today. i have to put off even thinking about how i feel until i have the 3 papers due on Thursday done.... this society sux ass!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

exactly the same

Look I don't get it either. I'm just trying desperately to fit in and do what every one else is. It hurts to be singled out and put on the spot, and I'm just trying to not have that happen to me again! I honestly feel no animosity toward the homeless. Actually, i just want to get them to wash that slept in piss smell off. I'd let them use my shower, too. If it wasn't for the fact that acting different from every one else would draw ridicule.
I don't want to buy plastic crap either... I actually hate shopping, but consumerism is how i hide that I'm different from you. I can see that these actions are unfulfilling and going to cause trouble. And i do wish to avoid the pain.
You see its just that its different for me. I say i want to avoid the pain, just like you say it. But I really do! In fact when no one is looking i do things to make sure that I'll feel less pain in the future. I know you really like the pain, cause you love to talk about how hard your life is. To affirm your self by what you think you have over come. And I can respect that: in a way. I realise that's what people do.
So am i not a people then? I realised right off the bat that it was pointless to ask why I'm different. But go a head and ask me any way. Maybe you think that asking me will make me feel good because talking about you makes you feel good? It doesn't though. Like i said I'm different than you.
I don't want to lie, prove any thing to anyone, or hurt others. I just don't want to be ostracised for being different any more. So I'll do it. I'll spit on the homeless, encourage inequality, buy shit and pollute and kill the planet. I'll say your special for the mass produced crap you buy. I'll date the wrong people for me, and encourage you to do the same. I'll pretend that i don't see how corporatism is robbing our lives of meaning. Just please don't shun me for my differences. And i mean that in my way, the honest way, not in your please do the opposite of what i say way. Deal?

Friday, October 30, 2009

melting pot vs multicultural

i realize this uses softer language than I normally use. This is because i had to post this for one of my proffs. Don't worry, I haven't lost my rage filled tone. it will return

In "The Melting Pot" of the usa, affirmative action is required to attempt to ensure a greater blending of minorities in to the culture. In the Canadian multicultural system we need more than to only ensure equal opportunity. As Canada was/is a country built by minority groups from the hundreds of first nation's to the French and English settlers, and the Loyalists fleeing the usa, we have no one majority culture. We some times think of the Christian Anglo-Saxon as the majority in Canada, but this view (borrowed heavily from American media) ignores the reality of a nation that's so deeply fragmented that our house of commons is dominated by The Bloc.
Our constitutions show this fundamental difference. In the USA, they use strong words declaring "we hold these truths to be self evident". While our constitution has much more lenient phrases, "as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic...". Even the BNA act has a form of affirmative action built in to it creating two official languages so that a minority could still have law and government in their own language.
Canadians ought to be proud of our policies of inclusion. We have many nations living peacefully under one flag. We may have regional disagreements, but we have developed a system to work with the perpetual tension.
Those who argue against inclusionary or corrective policies tend to focus on what they think they are loosing. They believe that by promoting one minority we must be demoting the minority they belong to. I don't feel this is true. It is the same people who feel the the inclusive "happy holidays" greeting must be diminishing Christmas because it doesn't expressly say Christmas in it. This is like saying that by using gender neutral language in our papers is some how diminishing men.
From the very basis of Canada as a political entity, it was founded on inclusion. This means at times we may have to develop policies to maintain the idea of inclusion against exclusionary trends. Inclusion, by its nature, makes the groups being included stronger. Exclusion does the opposite.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

declaration of divine independence

from your lips i heard the serpents words

"You only have to worry about your self and your family, any thing else is beyond you. It's not reasonable for you to take justice as your cause. just ensure those you care about are safe.
it is not your place to try to cure the worlds wrongs, enjoy your blessings and leave those that suffer to god... if god wanted them to not suffer he would have blessed them as you have been blessed."

YOur words when i asked about some trifle of world dissent.
I decided then i'd take this fight to hell.
Let me burn for an enterinty rather than accept the lies you feel you need.. let god bless you and the fires of hell baptize me.
maybe if i allow your naivety drive me, then your sin could later be deemed necessity , later still...as grace.
"For I have no child of my own all children are mine." and the evil that i can see ill fight. every sliver, every shade no matter how distant, i refuse to accept that this is a world of necessary sin. necessary pain necessary hate. This is the only life i know i have control over and as such the only life i can use to fight what is wrong. God may have the luxury to forget or neglect or leave sections or all of this earth... I have not the choice. It is my only home , my only life, my only people , my only existence.
you may think that we could let this burn for when god returns he'll take you away.
I say this is my world, lets make it so if god passes by he'll want to stay.
we as people have proven that we are in control of this life. WE cause all the pain We cause all the suffering, as well as the joy and peace. US. PEOPLE.
let me die, one- screaming to the masses, a few- calling to the crowds or all- the victim's of a tyrant; we will LIVE FOR A FUTURE. we will burn out time for a better time. I (WE) will not live this life in hope of the next. but to live this life to ensure a better future for this existence, and should we pass into another life after this, be sure we have trained to make that place better as well.

Friday, August 21, 2009

an answer to Cheryl

i dont know how my ideas can help, I've been told my ideas are a bit twisted.

I hear of eternal life in a peace-filled city full of subservient people and i think hell! seriously nothing to complain about, no problems to solve, no cause to flair the emotions...FOREVER, think about one week of doing nothing you'd have nothing to talk about , and no philosophy, cause the answers are right there. I feel alive when creating or destroying, when solving a problem reaching for a goal, having a righteous cause. and I'm supposed to live without that FOREVER!
No give me this world with meaningful problems to solve, meaning full victories and defeats.
do you think Einstein would be happy if the answers just appeared before him? or do you think the "high" of discovering new ideas was what drove him?
would even cliff jumping be any fun if there wasn't the fear that you could hurt yourself... think about it, how fun is walking?
Heaven and hell were concepts fed to the populous from those controlling them. Look at the stories and you can see the simple message, Obey and things can be easy ie. heaven, disobey and you're going to be hurt (hell). the obedient are promised days of picnics at the feet of the boss, well bad boys and girls will be whipped and burned. notice in both scenarios that you are not in a position of control over your life.. er afterlife.
framing the argument is a common tool used for manipulation, from parents asking if a child would like to do their home work before or after supper, (neither thanks i want to jump on my bed, skip supper and just have desert) or political parties asking if you prefer higher taxes or lower services.
the heaven/hell stories have been told for so long, that people don't question the intent any more. (and as i don't want to give my self a hand cramp, I'll leave my diatribe about the pope having the most powerful army and dictating the rights of kings, out. unless asked)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Your Special,

the meaning of life is not a secret, its easer to find and understand than a high school physics course. the thing thats hard to understand is that no one wants to know. All people really want to know is how to be special, or failing that, how to be rich. Is it any wounder that in the age of information, all we devote our attention to is trading products to make us feel special for money to make us feel rich?
one would think that we could find one person to make us feel special and that would stop the cycle. but for some reason we feel the cost of making that person also feel special to be too high. so we allow our relationships to wither and die, amongst arguments about money, stuff and how special we think we deserve to be.
but viewed in this light, prostitution is not only the worlds oldest profession, its the worlds ONLY profession
so the secret to finding love, and the secret to finding wealth are set out cleanly for you.
all you have to do is think about what side of the equation you want to be. if you want to be wealthy find a way to make people feel special, trade that for their money. if you want love, find some body and make them feel special, trade that for them making you feel special. admittedly this is a little harder than the first one. but still easer than getting a c+ in calculus. It can take some work, but its totally doable. this just requires that instead of 'fate' you decide what you want for your life... if that sounds difficult, might i suggest you take some time to search for the meaning of life first.

(and if you ask me about the meaning of life, just know that it'll make me feel special!!!)


Friday, July 31, 2009

yet another path to Not logical morality

All the theory's I work up stem from the “fact” that all men are created equal, or at least there lives are of equal value.
This leads many of my theories to emotional crescendos. However, as I am fond of cutting the basic theory out from under others belief structures, and there is no one else around right now; I'll try to examine the everyone is equal theory.

First it is obvious that not every one is mathematically equal. We vary in a number of important aspects. Height weight speed intelligence attractiveness ect.
Then what we mean when we say that one is equal is that one person ought to be of no more value than another.
But here we come up against reality. We each value ourselves much higher than we value strangers on the other side of the world. When we buy groceries, we claim most for our families and friends and spare little if any for the homeless. And as a plain fact I value my mother more than i value most others on this planet. I think most other people do as well. As a species who remain helpless infants for such a long time, it is difficult to imagine species survival if we didn't place a much higher value on our selves and families than on outsiders.
So then if people are of differing values to each of us, how do we then justify claiming all men are equal? The argument that to each man he is most valuable cant stand up once you factor in suicides and acts of extreme bravery when protecting others. As well; using the general value every one places on each other as that's persons actual value, presupposes that each person is equal in there ability to assign value?
Why would i have to accept the opinion of a person whom i value so little that i will allow them to starve to death? (we allow people to starve in every city as we waste our money on frivolous things like clothing).
In fact as its obvious that once hes dead he is unable to have values, this would tend to justify my killing others in order to have my values and wishes expressed.
This seems to play in to the “might is right” mind set.
Now far be it for me to challenge the equality of man, and stop because might is right sounds overtly aggressive.
Supposing for a second that, a logical morality did boil down to brute force. This doesn't necessarily lead to a master slave relationship. Because as I learned from both the smurfs and gummy-bears, one twig is easily broken, but not a bundle. There is strength in numbers. This would lead us to conclude that we ought to value those who would band together with us and further our causes. accepting that we would also want to further there causes. But this is nothing like equality, for we needn't value all that would support us the same. The stronger (and more powerful, assuming money/power needn't need strength) a member of our group, the more she is to be valued. And the weaker the more dis-valued. Now i admit this sounds closer to the world we do live in than any notion of actual equality. But I'm not ready to admit that the out come of a logical morality is the feudal system that has already crumbled. It is no logical to persist in acts one knows will lead only to failure.
So either we have to either turn back and find another path from might begets right, or back farther and realize its illogical to value people differently. Or develop a parabolic equation on how we value others , one that can't allow for us allowing for others to die.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

project 365

I want to do a project 365.
For those of you who have lives enough not to know what a project365 is, I'll tell ya.
the nearest I can tell (from less that 3 minuets on Google) is its typically a photo thing. You take a photo every day for a year to post on a blog or picasa or whatever. I've seen some verry cool ones that are more than photos like
for instance.
If i were artistic I'd start a paining-a-day or some sorta thing. but i'm not!
so after staring blankly at my screen, not allowing myself to play free-cell or any music for 20 minuets, I have compiled the following small (and kinda sad for 20 min of trying) list;
My project 365 ideas

1 draw your own web comic
2 learn a chord
3 push-ups/working out
4 write a letter
5 burn something
6 pierce something
7 get a strangers phone number
8 photo
9 draw
10 kill
11 learn a new 7 letter word
12 make a video
13 sound byte a day
14 video a day
15 ass hole a day
16 social game a day
17 ...
this is just brainstorming people! number 10 ought to prove not all ideas have to be good or worthy... besides Halifax doesn't have the population to support 365 murders! (Edmonton maybe)... oops digressing again...
Any way any ideas you may have good or bad would be appreciated.
This weeks project is to get ideas and prepare for my very own project 365.
Hopefully to be announced on Canada day!
so come on fire me some ideas yo...

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

your world

you live in a country governed by the rule of "law" yet you don't study it and don't fight as long as your only marginally infringed upon.
You live in cities of thousands of people, yet you don't study human behaviour?
You created something called economy, gave it the power to force starvation on yourselves and others, every day you participate in it, yet you don't truly understand how it works and have devoted absolutely no time in learning about it.
You are willing and eager to computerize everything you possibly can, and have zero understanding of how computers work.
Yet when one who has spent some time investigating the the structures that control you, tries to warn you of a need to alter your actions, you look to the other unaware for your cue to act?

Fuck you all!
I refuse to spend my time trying to inform the wilfully ignorant.
If you choose to look to the heard before action, you will be driven off the same cliff as the others.
I ask you plainly and directly, make your choice, are you sheep or shepherd? Red pill blue pill?
realize your actions and not your words will be your answer.
If you choose to remain unaware and untrained, you will be lead and slaughtered with the rest.
I am stepping away from my role as informant to the deaf. its been fun.
But the collie dose not heard the sheep from with in the pack.

Monday, March 09, 2009

Do-not call list appears to be working: Poll???

they called people on the do not call list to see how well it was working???? am i the only one who sees the problem with that?
seriously i cant make this stuff up

Saturday, March 07, 2009

an enlightend moment

capitalism exists in that highly improbable notion that you are special. of the 6 billion people on the planet, you are the special one. if every person alive were to file in front of you, it would take for ever because of the rate of birth. and you are special, because why? because they are filing in front of you?

Imagine that in one moment you had all the knowledge of Jesus, Einstein, Hitler, Mohamed and the Buddha. how do you think you would feel working at subway, barely able to afford your rent. you think if you had this knowledge you would toil away for a living? or do you instinctively believe that with all the knowledge of Christ, you would not have to partake of the menial labour? after all your talents would be better put to use in other fashions.
surly if such a person were to exist, we would deservedly place the moniker of special on him/her. the complete understanding of Buddha and working in a fast food restaurant? hardly seems fair. such a special person ought to be doing some thing more. we can justify such a person not cooking for them selves even because of the "good" they may be able to do for humanity as a whole.
Now imagine its you. special little ol' you. you have just gained the knowledge of Jesus, Einstein, Hitler, Mohamed and the Buddha and of your self! The first thing you would have to do is find away to gain a position of not having to go through your chores , of being tethered to your job by your bills. in short a way to gain power off your blessing. to capitalize on it. this means then that the purpose of enlightenment is personal gain? we justify one having differing duties because of them being special, us being special. its the central post to the capitalist system.
but in this system all knowledge is only useful if one can gain power from it.
so now ask you self, your special special self how do you capitalize off enlightenment?

--sideline some will ask why i included the obvious outsider in my list of people.
well i wanted the Buddha there to show that all visionary need not lead to mass murders.
Jesus/Mohamed: holly wars
Hitler/ Einstein: ww2 and the atom bomb
the Buddha, gross smelling incense ... im just saying

Thursday, March 05, 2009

cyborg out line

last week doctors finally put an artificial eye in to a person allowing some one who's been blind for 30 years to see (albeit rudimentaryly) Sony announced its new bio-battery. with plans to increase efficacy and decrease size (isn't that always the plan?). the first mechanical chip has been approved to be implanted in the head to "cure" obsessive compulsive disorder. the leading thoughts on how our mids work have come to the conclusion that our thoughts and actions are the result of neurons passing electrical and chemical signals amongst them selves. that is that our "Us-ness" is chemical. the debate over our sole is relegated to the sidelines, because regardless of our sole, MDMA makes you enjoy touching stuff, and serotonin levels induce love. as our understanding of us grows so will our vocabulary. "I am hunger." will be replaced with "I have low blood sugar". I have a cavity. And the wireless head set i use to listen to music as i walk home was running low on batteries so my music kept cutting out.

ok let me put these seemingly random pieces together for you.

So im walking home from a computer programing class. past a row of recycling bins. the smell from the "organics" one wrestling my nostrils as my music keeps cutting out on my head phones. every so often the cinnamon gum I'm chewing falls in to the tooth that has the cavity giving me a singe of pain. i naturally keep sticking my tongue in the hole. feeling where the dentist will have to put his plaster mixture. somewhere, formed from the mixed beat of my steady walk, syncopated music, and gum-pain-tongue dance, it dawns on me. If my blue-tooth head set were actually in my tooth I would have a way more enjoyable walk. also, my conversations would have better sound quality. the speaker could be replaced with a solid vibration allowing the sound to reach my ear strait through he bone. no more worries about traffic noise. and the mic? well its in my mouth all ready! the only down side is that having to sleep with the charge cable hanging out of my mouth would be a hassle... especially considering i have been known to grind my teeth. if you dislike the small jolt of electricity thats released when you bite on tinfoil with a filling, imagine waking up to a jolt of electricity after you chewed through a cord in your sleep!

thats when i remembered the news article of Sony's bio-battery. It had said you could probably run a car for over a hundred miles on a single bottle of Pepsi. well if they can shrink that system down, my blue-tooth tooth could charge its self just from the food i already eat. people this is going to happen! I'm not near as addicted to my cell phone as most of the people i see in school. and id opt for this in a heart beat. the absolute only 2 things that could hold me back are,

  1. the cost

  2. its not real yet

cause lets face it i cant afford to get the cavity thats causing me the most part of this pain fixed to begin with. and the whole mark of the beast, you cant buy or sell with out technology stuff, well if I'm going to hell its for worse actions than having an awesome dentist. if i believed that stuff id give up my interac card... aint gunna happen yo!

think about it this is going to happen. seriously think about it, because every thing from here forward is cantered on this fact. it was a long walk and i had plenty of time to think about it. so ask your self if you can accept that ill some day have a blue-tooth in my tooth.

what an advantage this would be. if i had one of those smart phones i could have all the information in the world put straight in to my ear at any time. not just collage tests, but think about how much of an advantage you would have over every one else at your place of work if you could get any answer from Yahoo instantly. imagine what a disadvantage you would have if every one else where you work could instantly get any answer and you would have to go back to your desk and google it?

so when this happens, its going to be popular. you will have very little choice. either get one or get a way worse paying job. it will be the equivalent of just saying that you refuse to use telephones nowadays. oh ya and even the jobs that don't require you using a phone... you cant get those jobs if theres no way for the employer to get a-hold of you for the interveiw...

one of the news articles about the man with the electronic eye quipped about this man being the first cyborg. I'd say not truly a cyborg, but an interesting notion. he is the first to have an electronic eye that sends information to his neurons but this is how its going to happen at first small peripherals that we can plug in to our selves then more and more integration. this is going to happen!

then consider as we look more and more to our brains as chemical computers. we aren't very good at it now but we are trying and devoting billions of dollars to research. anti depressants and Ritalin and a whole slew of drugs are coming out trying to alter the flow of our brain functions. to correct the machinery that houses us. they have even come out with a chip that can be surgically installed in the brain to help those with ocd. in short we are actively trying to "hack" the brain. we want to be able to program the hard ware to run the way we think it should.

the part to worry is we are going to be able to do it! I'm no Luddite, I'm not trying to scare you of this brave new hybrid world. Its Going to happen! trying to stand against the growth of new ideas never works. we couldn't unmake the atom bomb, and saying no to nuclear energy only works in places where there is little financial gain to be made. if you doubt this consider that we thought we had eradicated smallpox from the face of the earth. mankind's greatest victory! Then some one realized after the terrorist attacks that a person could gain from having the smallpox virus and using it as a weapon. suddenly we started to manufacture it so we could work on new cures. eradicated doesn't mean comes back.

so back to the worry part. as we develop ways to bend our minds and bodes to our whims what we need to do is seriously think about what those whims are. or are going to be. currently we value money, it makes you afford to look good and to be comfortable. others see you look well and are drawn to like and trust you. so we are likely to want to make our selves better to earn.

if we look at Ritalin we can start to see why long term planning and work needs to be done now. what this drug is designed to do is to make children better students and easer to control. well making them better behaved students, is one thing we miss that many grow up to have dependencies on other drugs. (illegal and not)

our current values of "good child" is making for reduced adults of the same people. we can be an incredibly short sighted creature. (ahem environment)and one that is after the immediate reward. well if we continue to develop our values around monetary things and image, as we hack our brains it will be to make us better earners and spenders. our developments will make us happier to earn and work and spend. in short we truly will become "cogs of the machine"

if we concisely spend our time trying to teach better values to our youth than we hold (I am aware of the inherent contradiction) then as they grow and start writing the programs and chemicals that we all will implant, maybe they will have loftier goals and a brighter version of the future. this is going to happen, but what are we going to do with it when it does is determined by what we do now.

Monday, February 23, 2009


I was reading an editorial in the metro...
bare with me for a second;
It was about how the people who disrupted a lecture at st Mary's university.
The lecture was a pro-life series that likens abortion to the holocaust.
The editorial was about how all though the writer didn't agree with the lecture, those who disrupted it were in the wrong. not only did they look like zealots leaving the speaker to look like the rational one;but because if you don't believe in free speech for those you despise, you don't believe in free speech.

The editor' s point seemed to be to give the protesters a little verbal spanking... but what he failed to realize is; The majority of people don't believe in any of the 'fundamental freedoms' anymore. Freedoms have been appropriated by special interest groups and businesses for so long now that it doesn't seem to have any bearing on our daily lives. Try to ware a politically charged t-shirt on casual Fridays, and you'll see that your freedoms are secondary to the corporate image. We are used to people being "asked to leave" if they use the "F-word" in public. and we know you cant swear in court. think about that for a second. In court of law, where your freedom to be free, is on the line. they system that we use to uphold the law; has no place for your legal freedom to free speech?
I'm sure this editor thinks he believes in free speech. After all his career relies on being able to stand behind that particular banner if dragged in to court. But I noticed that he never once let his dialogue push close to the edge. I'm not asking to read fuck in an editorial, (but it would be nice)but it would be prudent to at least venture out of the sanitized accepted phrases and tone.
The people who were disrupting a little lecture at school, maybe didn't think to much of free speech. But none of us seem to any more. we would rather force conformity on ourselves and others than uphold some ideal.
the real problem is that we have decided to suppress rebellion in people. the rebel is an image to be sold by the gap, not a lifestyle. But if we don't stand for that lifestyle, if we don't encourage the rebels we have, then we will be more sanitized, cubical-ised, and controlled. Our freedoms, the ones we take for granted, were thought up and fought for by rebels. and every day you- WE don't push the limits, we loose. the limits are pushing back, and ground is lost all the time.
so do something today, rebel in some way. anything not allowed is good. look for the rules that govern you and brake them. if you see someone brakeing a rule, cheer them on!
We all benefit from rebellion! so let your inner rebel out.

Monday, February 16, 2009

boom and bust

the single largest economic force in history, is Retiring! which at first thought seems great for them. but (sorry mom) its going to suck. you see our politicians have been pandering for votes in order to push through there privet ideologies for so long that none have bothered to look ahead. we always hear doom and gloom stories about how our health care service is going bankrupt. well how well do you think its going to go when 60% of the workforce (the ones who pay taxes) are going to instead retire and rely on those services. the 30% left working had better be educated and in a high enough tax bracket to cover the costs. But nun of thew parties in the last election even hinted toward education. it seems they believe that allowing tuitions to rise each year and limiting student loans down is a completely logical solution to the problem. now i understand we are currently in a "global economic crisis", but if the whole planet is in it, it seems that as a planet we should be looking forwards.
on the current "service industry" plan we are looking toward most of the people retired and having there policing and heath care and fire and street cleaning being payed for by sub-way sandwich artists. good thinking. i understand that the current thinking from parliament hill is that health care will have to be auctioned off to American company's. Problem solved. those who have the funds now... wait its a bit late now... those who had the funds in the early 90's and invested well will get the care and the rest will disappear. I don't think they understand there is no disappearing thats going to happen they are going to suffer then die.
just victims of the invisible hand.
I cant be the only person who thinks this is a bad idea.
I know some of you are politically opposed to my views, but why the hell you cant try to explain to me why this isn't a problem, i don't understand.
I'm more than willing to explain my thinking and what I've deduced. if theres a flaw in my logic please tell me.

not just for my sake but for my mothers as well.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

internet kills God, film at 11

after watching this video on the Internet,


the pope called an emergency press conference.
announcing the final closure of off all catholic churches effective immediately.
"after seeing this video there is no reason left to believe that God could have had a master plan.
in fact it now seems clear that any reasonably intelligent creature could not have allowed this to come in to existence. It is because of this fact that the church will begin selling off its holdings and temples." the pope continued saying, "we have been aware for quite some time now of theory's involving the death of God, or his lack of existence in the first place."

Thursday, January 29, 2009

what i thought was an innocent way of attempting to reach out to my friends and family, apparently was hurting some peoples feelings. so no more all about me letters. ill just go back to screaming at my walls. they don't hear nor respond. but at least i don't feel like shit for trampling on people's feelings. if you want superficial always ok conversations about safe topics. get them from some ware else. i'm already lonely enough, i don't need to compound it.
by discussing topics we don't care about, and ensuring that every thing we say is safe and sanitized. in short, by not expressing who we really are, we exasperate the alone feelings and ensure that we will no longer grow closer.
so i will post my feelings and rants here on my blog, your not reading it any way so it cant hurt you.
i can't make people live engaged relationships. but i can sure as hell refuse to be part of the fluff bullshit fake ones you wish to impose on me.

the conversation IS the relationship.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

an open letter to my roomate

how have you been lately?

ill let you in on a little secret.
when people ask how are you, or hows your day,
its bullshit
absolute and utter crap
nobody, absolutely nobody really cares how your really feeling
we say it because if we feign interest in your life,
you'll feign interest in ours
its bullshit, yes
but in the absence of any real answers
the entire planet has decided to go with it.
even a misanthrope such as you
you enjoy when someone inquirer's about your opinion

its actually amazing when you think of it
on this planet we still kill each other over our ideas of the afterlife
we cant decide to allow everyone the dignity to eat
the Internet is abuzz with conflicting opinions regarding every piece of cinema ever made
nothing else can we agree upon
but this
this one piece of bullshit
we mostly agree its bullshit as well
but this is the only unifier
ill pretend to care about your problems if you pretend to care about mine.
its the real social contract
So Mitchel,
before you go off on a tyraid about how your being disrespected,
pause, and think for a second;
have you pretended to care about what i feel?
if not...
What makes you think I'll even PRETEND TO GIVE A SHIT about you?
by the way...

hows that stuff you care about going?