Saturday, March 07, 2009

an enlightend moment

capitalism exists in that highly improbable notion that you are special. of the 6 billion people on the planet, you are the special one. if every person alive were to file in front of you, it would take for ever because of the rate of birth. and you are special, because why? because they are filing in front of you?

Imagine that in one moment you had all the knowledge of Jesus, Einstein, Hitler, Mohamed and the Buddha. how do you think you would feel working at subway, barely able to afford your rent. you think if you had this knowledge you would toil away for a living? or do you instinctively believe that with all the knowledge of Christ, you would not have to partake of the menial labour? after all your talents would be better put to use in other fashions.
surly if such a person were to exist, we would deservedly place the moniker of special on him/her. the complete understanding of Buddha and working in a fast food restaurant? hardly seems fair. such a special person ought to be doing some thing more. we can justify such a person not cooking for them selves even because of the "good" they may be able to do for humanity as a whole.
Now imagine its you. special little ol' you. you have just gained the knowledge of Jesus, Einstein, Hitler, Mohamed and the Buddha and of your self! The first thing you would have to do is find away to gain a position of not having to go through your chores , of being tethered to your job by your bills. in short a way to gain power off your blessing. to capitalize on it. this means then that the purpose of enlightenment is personal gain? we justify one having differing duties because of them being special, us being special. its the central post to the capitalist system.
but in this system all knowledge is only useful if one can gain power from it.
so now ask you self, your special special self how do you capitalize off enlightenment?

--sideline some will ask why i included the obvious outsider in my list of people.
well i wanted the Buddha there to show that all visionary need not lead to mass murders.
Jesus/Mohamed: holly wars
Hitler/ Einstein: ww2 and the atom bomb
the Buddha, gross smelling incense ... im just saying

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