Monday, February 16, 2009

boom and bust

the single largest economic force in history, is Retiring! which at first thought seems great for them. but (sorry mom) its going to suck. you see our politicians have been pandering for votes in order to push through there privet ideologies for so long that none have bothered to look ahead. we always hear doom and gloom stories about how our health care service is going bankrupt. well how well do you think its going to go when 60% of the workforce (the ones who pay taxes) are going to instead retire and rely on those services. the 30% left working had better be educated and in a high enough tax bracket to cover the costs. But nun of thew parties in the last election even hinted toward education. it seems they believe that allowing tuitions to rise each year and limiting student loans down is a completely logical solution to the problem. now i understand we are currently in a "global economic crisis", but if the whole planet is in it, it seems that as a planet we should be looking forwards.
on the current "service industry" plan we are looking toward most of the people retired and having there policing and heath care and fire and street cleaning being payed for by sub-way sandwich artists. good thinking. i understand that the current thinking from parliament hill is that health care will have to be auctioned off to American company's. Problem solved. those who have the funds now... wait its a bit late now... those who had the funds in the early 90's and invested well will get the care and the rest will disappear. I don't think they understand there is no disappearing thats going to happen they are going to suffer then die.
just victims of the invisible hand.
I cant be the only person who thinks this is a bad idea.
I know some of you are politically opposed to my views, but why the hell you cant try to explain to me why this isn't a problem, i don't understand.
I'm more than willing to explain my thinking and what I've deduced. if theres a flaw in my logic please tell me.

not just for my sake but for my mothers as well.

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