Saturday, December 24, 2005

christmass tuens

Christmas eve; I’m sitting listening to my moms play list on her puter.

I’m afraid of Americans – David Bowie
Well no shit we should all be now! It seems that the USA has forgotten that the world is not just a non-voting state.
Yes just what you’d expect from a leftist, I'm going to bitch about Bush! Ya so I’m not original, but what can I do?
This is not America – David Bowie
Ya, I know and there in lies the problem, we are living in a world where the majority of people are not in the USA and thus have no vote. While the USA forces its ideals and wants on the whole planet. Simple fact the planet is now only a democracy for Californian Neo-Cons. The rest of us, while we just have to learn to deal with it.
The immigrant song – Led Zeppelin
AHHH AHH AHH AAA, ya that about sums up how I feel
Bittersweet symphony of life – The Verve
I can’t change but I’m here in my “mould” as the world seems to rot away from logic love and life I’m wondering what ever happened to the Christian Left? We’ve herd from the Christian Right enough. Did the neo-cons finally steal Christ away from the rest of us?

Merry Christmas And my god bless all the non-neo-cons!

Friday, December 16, 2005

more than "they" are offering

Ok I've herd this term Way the FUCK too much:

All of the political party’s seem to have to finish there speeches and offerings to the public with “although it’s not what you want its more than [other party] is offering.”

What the hell is that? In Canadian politics we don’t even get to choose between the devil you know or the devil you don’t, we are Arbitrarily told that some kind of compromise between what we the voting public actually want and what {who?*ill get back to this} is an option to vote for??


Who do politicians want to be?
Well it seems they want to be the same fucking spineless side less blob.
I Have the most conservative Liberal running against the most liberal Conservative and the new democrat party ‘being the second oldest federal party” saying well maybe we can get some seats!

I saw a list on line of the party’s and there stances on various issues and not looking to which party was saying what, the only party that has researched and answered each of the issues was the GREEN party, yes Canada, you now live in a country where the most initiative can be found by the pot-heads. Ndp, no mention of foreign policy, torrys had no mention of school funding. The grits had no mention of the environment. No just the happy high hippies have actually taken the time to get a totally well rounded platform.
Theirs not even one running in my riding so I'm basically stuck looking at which slant on the center I can put my x. I Think I finally under stand voter apathy. It’s actually Voter depression.

Back to this *WHO* ? Just who the fuck are the parties trying to compromise with. Harpers one e senate, its more than the grits offer! His plan? Let the provinces vote then he as a benevolent leader would agree with the results, just him not make it law or any thing just he’d be that nice to us! What a guy. Took a good idea and made it in to a nothing promise so that he might get a bit bigger of the political middle ground away from some one else.
Well I’m at the point to buy my self a bunch of unregistered shot guns and a couple of illegal and soon to be outlawed as well{?} hand guns. I’m going to sew a maple nut on my back pack and declare my self my own government. Don’t worry about the guns though because I can see by the maple nut sewed on your sleeve your armed too so well be real polite to each other!

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

proof the world is crazy

A brief rant about blogs

Its odd if you think about it; the levels of exhibitionism and ego that go in to a blog. It’s like a diary that you leave out for others to read. And as we hammer away on our keyboards we honestly believe in some part of our mind that some one will read it and then we imagine that our words will actually move some one.
Think about the last time you went blog surfing. No I mean after the first week you started your own. Exactly. And even then were you actually moved by any thing any one said?
Hay its ok; no seriously I'm imagining some one reading this too. So we are all in the same boat. Just sending our thoughts out in to the abyss with little to no chance of it being received.
It’s a message in a bottle set afloat on the ocean during a hurricane with nothing really important written on the parchment.
But our egos fuck with our minds, and we do this. I think it must be as form of therapy saying what we think to the faceless masses that aren’t listening.

Odd if you think that should I be the victim of a homicide some poor police man will have to read through all this crap to see if maybe theirs a hint at the psycho that offed me. If you want my vote it was Jeremy. That fucker has had such a perfect life that he needs police men to visit him at work to question his ware abouts . lol.

Thus I have used the information super highway to ensure that I will not be the victim of murder. (Jeremy’s life is so perfect that police would never visit him at work , meaning I cant be killed), meaning that this blog like the millions of others out there will never be read. So if you’re reading this you don’t exist.

Talking to people that don’t exist is a sign of insanity. So blogers are crazy.
So the millions of blog pages out there is proof that the planet has lost its mind.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005



When I was a salesman I learned that to make a sale don’t tell people anything, just ask them questions.
Currently I am a collection agent. Think of this if you ever have the misfortune of having one call you.
A before morning coffee brake day in the life of a collection agent.

So I look at the normal people I see at work every day, and despite the fact that I kind of want to speak with them, the embarrassment I feel when people realize I'm odd, leads me to quietly stand off by my self. Today for some reason my mind decided to ask me questions.
Not simple easy ones like why am I hear but the harder ones.
It started when I left my desk to take my “fuck is my job boring” morning shit. Not to be confused with my “fuck is my job boring afternoon shit” where I rarely actually shit.
There I am jettisoning out the by products of what I spend my so called pay check on, and my mind, obviously trying to save me from the certain death that it is convinced that boredom will cause, asks me…
“Why do you believe,” which is the rudest way to start a question, “that people will think your odd?”
Well if you know me, I like to fight fire with fire. The blaze excites me.
So I respond with questions of my own.
‘Is it maybe that every one of my friends who I do show my self to says “hay your weird”? Even after I learned that showing my self doesn’t mean that I have to get naked or expose my genitals in any way!
“Why do you believe your friends?’
“Aren’t your friends weird?”

‘Isn’t that why they accept me?’I retort.
If your friends are weird and they say you’re weird, couldn’t that mean that you’re a bit normal?”

The interrogation is interrupted as it takes both parts of my mind to curse who ever the cheep ass muther fucker who designed the little piece of metal that makes the toilet paper not roll smoothly in all public toilets, the one that is so hugely flawed that it makes it almost impossible to get more than 2 sheets off the roll at a time and completely improbable that what should be the simple task of cleaning the excess crapp from your ass, will be simply and effectively done in a time efficient matter.

It doesn’t cross my mind to ask why I’m worried about time efficiency while my bathroom brake is by design a time waster in the first place.

I return to my desk. I use a telephone for what I jokingly call a living. I have a tendency to remember in my short term memory numbers in an order I like, not so much the order they actually appear. i.e. I like 32 but dislike 23. As I look from my computer screen to the phone pad making sure that the number I dialed and the number that the computer suggested are the same digits in the same order, , the part of my brain that can attack me is consumed by tedium and unable to continue in its assault. But it’s not an all consuming task so I'm left with the sound of my mind droning on the words to a song most of us know. You know it its tat song that goes …”Fuck is my job boring Fuck is my job boring fuck is this boring fuck is this boring….. I won’t sing any more for you as I’m certain that you know it by hart. And if you don’t I don’t want to be the one to introduce it to your infuriatingly perfect life, Jeremy.

My eyes look to the display on the phone to check digits but my hand has already hung up the phone and….A RAY OF LIGHT PIRCES THROUGH!
Its only 3 minuet till brake! The ‘fuck’ song is replaced by “YAY it’s almost recess.
As I tidy up my desk top to avoid being on a call and missing any part of coffee brake, my mind resumes its desperate war on me enjoying or even dully accepting my existence.
“How old are you?”
“Thanx for bringing that up, ass hole”
“And your waiting for recess?, “
Others are stirring it must be time!
I grab my coat and commiserate with the others about how long the elevator takes.
At last I'm out side. My 15 min’s. of …. The sky’s ugly today, I can’t stare at it and day dream.
People flood out of the doors and an explosion of small talk erupts, filling the air.
I dig out a cigarette, and light it.
My urge to befriend and my fear of ridicule slam me at the same time.
And what I can only assume is an attempt to free me from the terrible war that will soon ensue, my mind asks….
“How soon will it snow?”
I notice that there isn’t a stick of wood in this alley to knock on, so I attempt to believe I didn’t ask my self that. I also realize that to deal with this I need to think of stronger questions. This isn’t going to be an easy battle to win.
“Think of a question” I tell my self. For half of a partial moment I remember the Dr. Seuss book, ‘how to unthunk a glunk’ but it’s gone before I can contemplate that little appearance. Yes it seems my mind has stolen most of my ammo and has at the moment taken control of most of my free will.
“And isn’t free will the reason to live?”
In a moment of self mental jujitsu grasp at the question. Its safe and its small level of disassociation from my self lets me wash away in the new flood of questions.
“How could the catholic church take such a truth and bog it down in rules?”
“If it is the reason to live, dose that mean that life is just an exercise in what you will your self to do?”
“If so then isn’t the real question of existence why not just do it?”
“How could Nike take such a fact and make it a slogan for slave labor?”
And the real big question;
“How long will it be until I find another job?”

Friday, September 23, 2005

paradigm shifting

So I don’t like to get stoned, especially in cities. Years ago I started having bad trips about how every thing is a box. Box houses Box blocks. Nothing quiet like an obsessive revolution (is that a term?) to ruin a good trip.
So I quit getting stoned. No big deal (any more lol). And like most of life it slips in to that not quiet forgotten realm of ‘I never think of it’. In fact at the point of the next incident it was all but forgotten.

My grand parents 50th anniversary I met my moms uncle. (There is a term for that but I can’t figure it out) it seems he left the civilized world to live in the artic with the dog tribe, or some thing. Now I’ve always had itchy feet so I had to ask why. So he told me he hated how every thing is divided up into squares, lined with fences. He hates fences. I think its some kind of obsessive revolution.

Last night I found a program called “World Wind”. Its sooooooooo cool. It’s from NASA and it basically is satellite pictures of the world. I can even see my home from space. So after wasting hours, And I mean hours, I started noticing the oddest thing. The world is cut up in to squares. Like the whole freekin planet. Zoom in on any part of the planet and its cut in to lines and boxes. The only 2 places that weren’t were the artic and Antarctica. And I don’t mean lines like country borders and stuff, no it’s actually cut into squares.
So anyway I tuned off my ‘puter and went for a walk. Down square streets.

I now believe that the reason that I would have an obsessive revolution to boxes and my uncle (or moms uncle, what ever) has this aversion to lines is its so constricting.
In fact I don’t believe it’s a paranoia but a claustrophobia. We do not live free, not yet.
Democracy is a less controlled state of being, than most other government systems. But make no mistake, less controlled is not free.

To live free. Is the statement of the revolution.
De civilize your self
My slightly depressed mood of my last post is now gone.
The question remains; “Why is it called self control, when you are preventing self from doing what self wishes?”

So my recant realization has given me more faith that the time has come for change. If the whole fucking planet has been divvied up and ownership of the land has cut the most remote places in to boxes. Then the systems of control must be close to its apex. Ipso-facto the time has arrived for a new paradigm to stand.
p.s. I always wanted to put ipso-facto in to one of my rants. YAY ME LOL.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

now and puplic masterbaton

A young Lady got out of nursing school and got herself a job at the psychiatric hospital in Ponoca. Now she was a caring person which is one of the reasons that she had chosen a career in nursing. Her first couple of days they took the time to show her around, and teach her the operating procedures. One such procedure was how to properly strap a patient to the bed.

Obviously being a caring person, this bothered her a bit. When she questioned the humaneness of this she was told that it was only used as a last resort.
"You see we prefer to use chemical restraints (i.e. drugs) whenever possible, shackling a patient to the bed is only used on patients that cant be controlled chemically"

Now the young lady was raised to be a farley obedient (if not submissive) person and went about her duties like a good girl even though there was a little nagging voice in her head repeating "somethings wrong with this". After all she was just a young girl newly out of school, what did she know about the world? How could all of these "respected" doctors be wrong?

So she went about her days administering drugs and only very rarely assisting in shackling a patient down.

One morning after the patients had been let out of there rooms, drugged, fed and led in to the common room one woman who was laying on a sofa, lifted up her dress and started to masturbate.
Now the young lady had been raised in a prudish religion, and seeing such a public "naughtiness" was more than a little shaken.
The little nagging voice in her head turned up the volume. "Why would she do that in public?" the young lady asked her self. The large key ring hanging around her waist suddenly gained weight to answer the young ladies inquiry; 'of course she dose it in public she is locked out off her room or any other privet place.'

The woman on the sofa was of course shackled to a bed and administered more chemical restraints.

NOW it has been said that this lady had been raised prudish and obedient, as well as she was young and caring, But that is not to imply that she was stupid. For she was any thing but stupid.

The nagging voice in her head had now become an audible ringing in her ears. She was realizing that the biggest difference between the staff and inmates was the possession of the keys.

-->Cognitive dissonance is a psychological phenomenon which refers to the discomfort felt at a discrepancy between what you already know or believe, and new information or interpretation

Whose sane...
The young lady quit her job.
"Why say Now so much Scotty?"span>
"What dose this have to do with a blog about what you think anyway Scotty?"
Now was used for literary effect.
Chemical restraint!!!
As I sit at my computer sipping my rum and cola (I no longer by brand name pop) thinking about the systems that control our lives. Thinking about how the world has become a capitalist despotism. Wondering how we allowed the belief that one person can control others to be accepted as fact. How damn it is it that we all believe we are powerless to govern are own affaires as we see fit.
The true story above keeps seeping in to my mind.
shackles for those they cant chemically restrain.

TV numbs the mind and tells us lies about how everyone else lives. IÂ’m not like those I see on TV so I must be different, not normal. Makes me feel insecure. I need booze to loosen up and have fun with others.
I medicate my self.
Cognitive dissonance --
But I'm not a sheep I think free I'm the leading edge of the Revolution-- I do nothing but bitch about a corrupt system under my 10 ft. ceilings and track lighting, Serving drinks to my pot head friends who say they cant stay late because they have to be at work in the morning.

My mind is disconnected from my personality now. I feel like I'm a funny person, must be some one is laughing at my quips.
medicated and separated my mind is hearing sentences from the would be revolutionaries.
-the price of gas-
-my boss is an ass-
-why don't my taxes feed the poor-
-were outa pop, who's going to the store-
-while your there ,pick up some croutons-
these are the sounds of a dead revolution

I see now that in order to open the minds of people I must MASTERBATE in public. And risk being shackled. After all I still have keys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Baby has lost waight and is looking and feeling like a young dog again Posted by Picasa

update (kinda)

So ok to make a long story short(er) I live in a kick ass apt now with Tony and Col, I got layed off so if you know of any good jobs please tell me. Whoever the asshole that posted a comment to my last post about some stupid Stock should go to hell. I like comments being posted but come on how bout comments to me about the blog. It’s not a free spamming zone asshole.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Arrggg age

So it’s been a long time since I’ve informed every one about my life so here it goes,

All About ME Volume #3

Let’s see, last time I just got a job at united furniture (beep beep), at which time I had the pleasure of buying my own tee shirts. At $20 a pop I have three very nice worn once shirts. But soon after they arrived I had a very nice job offer. So off to Windsor Plywood I went. I sell wood ;) what the hell do I know about wood! Arrgg. It was crazy people would ask me all sorts of questions that I didn’t have A freekin Clue about. But ME smrt I mean smArt, so I figured it out and in less than 3 months I gost a big fat raise. “Scott you’ve been doing a great job” (YAY ME) “and I would like a real sales person at my New store” (This conversation went on for about an hour. So to save you all from my Gloating lets just say it was one huge ray of sunshine shot up my ass.)

The new store was struggling a lot. Selling around 2 grand a day. My new manager had stated that we had to do a minimum of $5000 /day Just to stay a float. My second day I sold 3000 and we broke the 5 g mark for the first time. ( Yay Me)
Life waz pretty, I liked my coworkers, my job, my new Girlfriend, my new computer every thing!

Girlfriend had a problem with her Psycho ex. He had moved in to her building, and was making life Shitty for her, Calling, braking in to her Jeep, ECT.
So she moves half of her stuff in to her cousin’s house and the other half in to my already too freakin small bachelor’s apartment. O well.
She’s a trucker and except for having to dig my self a tunnel to the door each morning I barely noticed.

Ok so this is a sideline but it will make sense in a bit

Every one remember last year when my car got stolen? (Wee funny >L And when the cops phoned me 2 days later and asked “Are there any distinguishing marks on your car? Cause there’s so many Red Cavaliers on the road well never be able to find it.”
Everyone in Saskatoon remembers because of the loud cuss words echoing through the city after I hung up the phone. I hate Saskatoon RCMP.


So I goes to a coworkers house one Friday night, to do laundry and have a copula drinks. His washing machine was broken so we decided on a copula drinks, but I had to work in the morning. (Please weight till this is over before you judge me. And then JUDGE away.)
And not felling drunk I drive home.
About 2 blocks from Ryan’s house (Ryan’s the co-worker) I notice a cop in my rear view mirror.

Speeds Ok, Check
Seatbelt, Check
No worries, Check
Still 5 Miles from my apartment.
Now 3 Miles.
Still Cop is following.
No Worries?, um Check.?
Am I missing a tail light?
2 Miles.
2 blocks, What…. The..
I pulling to my parkade, And I see cherries flashing in my rear-view mirror.
Shoulder check,
There’s 5 police cars 2 officers each. Yelling. One is reaching for his GUN.
So I do all that I thought I could do, Continue Parking.
“Get out of the Car!”
I do.
Um “I under stand that my plates are Expired.”
“That’s a stolen car!”

Well you know me, …
I don’t do well with false information.
So I start to,,, Well you know, sound like Me,
“That is the farthest thing from a stolen car in the world. Its My car in My Parking spot AND I’m In it!” To another officer “Will you get The Hell out of there and Lock The god damn Door”
I’m hauled down to the Station. Of course I am.

The Saskatoon RCMP didn’t register my car as unstolen.
I told you the side line would make sense. Oh yee of little Faith.

I’m given A breathalyser. I blew (And this is a piss off) a point zero Nine.
I’m in a holding cell most of the night. My Girlfriend picks me up at 6:00 AM. I get a ride home. I can’t stay awake and I Know I’ll sleep through the alarm. Col has to work at 7:00. (Col’s the Girlfriend.) And bless her hart; She’s willing to explain to my new manager why I won’t be in tomorrow.

My new manager is going to understand, it wasn’t my fault that Saskatoon RCMP forgot or that the Edmonton police don’t have a sense of humour any more, After all I’m his top Salesman, and I work Great, … … Right?

No he won’t.
So he gave me a load of crap. And pretty at work was over.
But I’m not the kinda guy that gives up just cause things aint pretty.

This isn’t all about my manager its all about me. #3
I am given a three month Administrative licence suspension. Which my lawyer says that it’s impossible to fight. And I go get a lawyer.
$1500, just for the retainer. Another $3500 if I decide to fight the charge. (Duh why else would I get a lawyer?).
Who knows what will happen? As of this writing, I still have 10 days left on my suspension and I don’t go to court till October.
In the Meantime I'm late for work 4 times because of various bus f^ck ups.

Other news...
My brother has finally decided that trucking is going to kill him, and starts sounding like some “crazed anti-capitalistic hippy”. I’m so happy. At least my ramblings haven’t been totally wasted.

I’m MSNing one night and a friend (Tony) tells me that he has to move to town, “Living in Stony Plain is killing him”. So of course I type back “OK J we can find a pace together. After all, Col has changed jobs and we were in my hole of an apt. all the time together. I need more Space.
Hilarrity ensues as I look at every apartment in the downtown core of Edmonton ... i ran out of time to finish so ill post later

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Time to rant

So a dui isent he end of the world its the end of ppl seeing me as a person though.
if seen pplz who dont bat an eye when some one sayz that theyve been charged with asult but if you tell em that you got a dui they get screeming mad at " you rude fuker "
I dont get it .

Sunday, February 13, 2005

screamin at my walls

so i dont understand what all the hype about being an adult is.
Ive benn an adult (in age) for years nowand its actualy quite boring. Work , pay bills, buy crap, hug my nees at night rocking back and forth trying to come to gripes with the insain boringness of it all.
theres a static-X song whitch repeates " It's Meaningless" over and over againe and some how I got stuck in that song, its gotta b just me cause I dont see any one else that seems to notice justhow pointless human existnce has become. a while back magizine seemed to reflect this and was trying to give pointers on how to live in the void of meaning that we have created for our selfs. but they havechanged insome small way and dont comfort me any more.
joecartoon .com (whos moto is "brutily pointless") seems to refect the world as i see it now. i dont what that says about me. Am I fuked up?
any way thinking about it is depressing me so im gunna crank some tuens dance around my apartment like an idiot, yelling at my walls, and rock out till i forget about it and then maby I can go interact with the ppl I see and participate in our meaningless lives!
just trying to find another distraction..

Monday, January 24, 2005

I hate Comp.s

so I got a comp. and saet it up and am paying for SUPERFAST cabel, So obviosly im posting from my moms house Cause my computer dosent work , Cant read vid card cant find internet conecton, and my favorite, the screan just goes black. so if your comp let yu open any thing to day be happy, at least yours works,