Wednesday, November 30, 2005

proof the world is crazy

A brief rant about blogs

Its odd if you think about it; the levels of exhibitionism and ego that go in to a blog. It’s like a diary that you leave out for others to read. And as we hammer away on our keyboards we honestly believe in some part of our mind that some one will read it and then we imagine that our words will actually move some one.
Think about the last time you went blog surfing. No I mean after the first week you started your own. Exactly. And even then were you actually moved by any thing any one said?
Hay its ok; no seriously I'm imagining some one reading this too. So we are all in the same boat. Just sending our thoughts out in to the abyss with little to no chance of it being received.
It’s a message in a bottle set afloat on the ocean during a hurricane with nothing really important written on the parchment.
But our egos fuck with our minds, and we do this. I think it must be as form of therapy saying what we think to the faceless masses that aren’t listening.

Odd if you think that should I be the victim of a homicide some poor police man will have to read through all this crap to see if maybe theirs a hint at the psycho that offed me. If you want my vote it was Jeremy. That fucker has had such a perfect life that he needs police men to visit him at work to question his ware abouts . lol.

Thus I have used the information super highway to ensure that I will not be the victim of murder. (Jeremy’s life is so perfect that police would never visit him at work , meaning I cant be killed), meaning that this blog like the millions of others out there will never be read. So if you’re reading this you don’t exist.

Talking to people that don’t exist is a sign of insanity. So blogers are crazy.
So the millions of blog pages out there is proof that the planet has lost its mind.

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