Friday, September 23, 2005

paradigm shifting

So I don’t like to get stoned, especially in cities. Years ago I started having bad trips about how every thing is a box. Box houses Box blocks. Nothing quiet like an obsessive revolution (is that a term?) to ruin a good trip.
So I quit getting stoned. No big deal (any more lol). And like most of life it slips in to that not quiet forgotten realm of ‘I never think of it’. In fact at the point of the next incident it was all but forgotten.

My grand parents 50th anniversary I met my moms uncle. (There is a term for that but I can’t figure it out) it seems he left the civilized world to live in the artic with the dog tribe, or some thing. Now I’ve always had itchy feet so I had to ask why. So he told me he hated how every thing is divided up into squares, lined with fences. He hates fences. I think its some kind of obsessive revolution.

Last night I found a program called “World Wind”. Its sooooooooo cool. It’s from NASA and it basically is satellite pictures of the world. I can even see my home from space. So after wasting hours, And I mean hours, I started noticing the oddest thing. The world is cut up in to squares. Like the whole freekin planet. Zoom in on any part of the planet and its cut in to lines and boxes. The only 2 places that weren’t were the artic and Antarctica. And I don’t mean lines like country borders and stuff, no it’s actually cut into squares.
So anyway I tuned off my ‘puter and went for a walk. Down square streets.

I now believe that the reason that I would have an obsessive revolution to boxes and my uncle (or moms uncle, what ever) has this aversion to lines is its so constricting.
In fact I don’t believe it’s a paranoia but a claustrophobia. We do not live free, not yet.
Democracy is a less controlled state of being, than most other government systems. But make no mistake, less controlled is not free.

To live free. Is the statement of the revolution.
De civilize your self
My slightly depressed mood of my last post is now gone.
The question remains; “Why is it called self control, when you are preventing self from doing what self wishes?”

So my recant realization has given me more faith that the time has come for change. If the whole fucking planet has been divvied up and ownership of the land has cut the most remote places in to boxes. Then the systems of control must be close to its apex. Ipso-facto the time has arrived for a new paradigm to stand.
p.s. I always wanted to put ipso-facto in to one of my rants. YAY ME LOL.

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