A liberal will get you killed!
A prof of mine started a course with this statement. And although he was absolutely correct, I still defend liberal as correct.
Of all the traits that can be ascribed to the term liberal, the one thing that must be for a person to be a liberal is a belief in “human rights”. That there is some intrinsic , right, truth, or justice, that stands above mans laws. In this way the criticism that “liberals have a new religion” is not all wrong. As having a “truth” that stands above mans law, has as its most close parallel those that hold a “religious truth”.
In this way the US constitution, and its affirmation that its “self evident that all men were created equal” can be seen as a pure liberal statement.
The thing is because we do actually believe that there is a “right” above mans laws, liberals will not respect mans law as the final decider.
For the “right to life” side, they actually consider a blastocyst, or an embryo, as a human. Then as liberal thinkers, they have no choice but to intervene or fail to conform to mans law. They really do need to defend the rights of those humans. So even as its currently the “political right” that is against abortion, their fight is a liberal one. The only separator for “the left” is that currently the left doesn't consider the embryo as human life.
So now to why will a liberal get you killed. While because we believe that human rights are above mans law, we cant sit back in good conscience and allow, a government, nation, religion, culture, or group, to behave in a way that contravenes our ideas. In this way we invite the the calls of “thought police”, and all the parallels to totalitarianism that's levelled against us.
The thing that the detractors don't seem to understand is that to a real liberal, the only real judgment we consider valid is, if in the face of a wrong are you a coward or a responder.
So while “the right” by definition are concerned with stability and maintaining the status quo, are not only willing but want nothing more than, to live and be left alone. Its us, the liberal who insists on interfering with others.
In order to be true to our beliefs, its us, the liberal, that has to force a change. We are the ones who need to invade another country, we are the ones who cant abide by anothers religion or heritage, when we see a wrong. And its this imperative to interfere that will get you killed. (Because others hate being interfered with).
Thing is the writer of this does believe in human rights. I will admit that we occasionally have “misunderstandings” , or as outsiders would say, “wrong ideas”. I look back in horror and realize it was ‘liberals’ who thought we needed to introduce the “savage” to our (at the time) “truth” of Catholicism. And now we feel the moral imperative to introduce peoples in the same area of our scepticism.
But as a liberal I do believe that there is truth above mans law. I try to temper my actions with the knowledge that, all humanities, (let alone my), logic is far from answers on most things. Because of that I try and keep my intrusions into others lives at a minimum. But I have to respond in some way. As a liberal I have to either accept myself a coward or take an action. I do have sympathy for all those who are being “put out” by our actions. They don't really care about, gays, trans, hats worn by religious follows, or 99% of the things that us liberals want to fight about. It must feel shitty to be told your grammar is suddenly wrong, or that people are calling you “hateful” for doing the same thing you've always done.
Just like the other side of the political spectrum we have our fair share of emotionals and gut thinkers. For all liberals, I’d like to apologize to anyone who was shit on by a non-thinker. Instead of saying “Hay that term is considered an insult now”, I’ve seen liberals act like you are the actual haters, and they have forgot (never really spent the thinking time to understand), that we are trying to actually answer to our “higher truth”.
Anyway following a liberal may get you killed. But as a liberal, I choose that above cowardice in the face “evil” I must choose action.
just a spot to post my rants, if you've ever been tempted to ask " whats he thinking?" its all here! ****
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Friday, October 20, 2017
Why the Burka-Ban wont stand.
The Supreme Court of Canada (SCoC) ruled that Sikhs were required to wear hard hats even though it was a restriction of their religious freedoms. (The seminal case on this is Canadian National Railway Co. v. Bhinder from 1985.) The Court applied a 3 part test to see if the employees religious freedoms could rightly be infringed. This test is where I think the Quebec law will eventually fall. Unfortunately that means that some provincial worker will need to be fired for wearing the Hijab, and she will also have to have enough money to raise a legal complaint (justice ain't cheep in Canada).
The test for a bone fide occupational requirement (BFOR), has 3 steps the rule must pass before its considered a justifiable infringement on religious freedoms: (adapted from the above mentioned hardhat case.)
Now looking to the “burka ban” lets go over the test.
• Step 1: Was the rule about hard hats or respiratory protection adopted for a purpose that is rationally connected to the job (safety)?
1) ScoC will have to rule if Quebec’s claim that seeing a face is rationally connected to the job of providing government service. If they can't this whole law fails right here. But if it passed we go to step 2.
• Step 2: Was the rule adopted in an honest and good faith belief that the standard is necessary for the fulfillment of that legitimate purpose (safety)?
• Step 2: Was the rule adopted in an honest and good faith belief that the standard is necessary for the fulfillment of that legitimate purpose (safety)?
2) Again the ScoC will have to decide if this law is adopted in “good faith” and if seeing a face is necessary for fulfilling that. Here each position will have to be considered. Does this face covering actually infringe on a bus drivers ability to do the job? How about the passenger? How about a call centre worker? Does not showing my face actually infringe on my ability to take a payment for a ticket? Lets say somehow the law passes this step as well, then we go continue on.
• Step 3: Was the standard reasonably necessary to accomplish that legitimate purpose? Can the employer accommodate individual employees without imposing undue hardship upon the employer?
• Step 3: Was the standard reasonably necessary to accomplish that legitimate purpose? Can the employer accommodate individual employees without imposing undue hardship upon the employer?
3) The second part of Step 3 is going to be virtually impossible for Quebec to get passed. This “Duty to accommodate” clause is a big part of what makes Canada an "inclusive" nation. Quebec will have to show that it causes an “undue hardship” on them to accommodate a worker to wear a hijab. And that there is not a solution that can be easily implemented that meats both parties needs. For instance if they claim it is a security concern, can the issue be solved by requiring the lady to lift the veil and show her face briefly and privately on her way in to the facility? Or a whole host of other workarounds for each job. And I cant see How the Quebec government is going to be able to get this passed.
Keep in mind RCMP officers can wear the hijab, its going to be really hard for Quebec to argue that a kiosk worker cant do her job wearing the same thing.
Keep in mind RCMP officers can wear the hijab, its going to be really hard for Quebec to argue that a kiosk worker cant do her job wearing the same thing.
Now a lot of the concerns about allowing the hijab boil down to a few actually irrelevant arguments.
* "If we cant see the face a criminal can get away"
This law only has bearing on those receiving and giving government services. So if you think a bank robber is going to stop and fill out a healthcare form on his way home you may have a point. But I think we can see that's not really connected to this law.
* "I cant wear a hoodie or sunglasses in the liquor store"
While some places that sell alcohol are private stores and make up their own rules, those are not Laws. Agreed that in Quebec hard alcohol is sold in government stores though. Here we see another absurd part of the law. While they could say that the customer must show their face to match their ID, this is not what the law says, it says both the customer and the worker must show their face. And as the push of my argument is that the law wont stand because of its demand that the employees show their face, which has nothing to do with the customer proving their age.
*"we have other laws saying you cant be naked in public, how is this different?"
*"we have other laws saying you cant be naked in public, how is this different?"
Again here we have a issue with the degree of the laws scope. The Indecent exposure laws, have been continually challenged to now women can walk around topless in much of Canada and it's likely that provinces that have not had the law challenged will either follow suit or simply refuse to lay charges. but again this is not related to the work aspect of the law. The "dress code" interpretation is just as open to religious freedom laws as any other part of the law,
* "The government need to be non-religious"
This is actually the argument Quebec is using to put the law into place. The mistake is that they are equating non-religious with anti-religious. The government needs to pass laws that apply to all citizens, it cannot promote or discriminate based on religious beliefs. Thats a Non-Religious stance. But by refusing to allow its workers to adhere to their religious beliefs while at work they are taking an Anti-religious stance. The claim that seeing a government worker wearing a religious item will make the average citizen falsely believe that the government is an agent of that religion is deeply condescending.
This is actually the argument Quebec is using to put the law into place. The mistake is that they are equating non-religious with anti-religious. The government needs to pass laws that apply to all citizens, it cannot promote or discriminate based on religious beliefs. Thats a Non-Religious stance. But by refusing to allow its workers to adhere to their religious beliefs while at work they are taking an Anti-religious stance. The claim that seeing a government worker wearing a religious item will make the average citizen falsely believe that the government is an agent of that religion is deeply condescending.
NOTE: Its been pointed out to me that I have used "Burka", and "Hijab" interchangeably and they are in fact different. The RCMP currently only allow the Hijab which does not cover the face.
I fell the rest of the argument still stands, if you correct my other uses of Hijab to the Burka I was thinking of. (Thanks Reese)
National Post Quebec passes bill banning niqab, burka while receiving public services
CBC News RCMP allows Muslim women Mounties to wear hijab
Canadian Occupational Health and safety magazine /legal Clash of the titans
Tuesday, August 08, 2017
I dont understand Transgender
Ok I may be on the
wrong side of history here. And am open to evolving my opinion if
someone explains to me the error in my thinking.
It was only Like 2
years ago that “progressives” were touting the ideas that we
should not force Gender Roles on children. “Let them play how they
want to.” was the basic idea. It stemmed form the idea that as we
move to actual equality between the sexes, little boys and girls,
should be allowed to peruse whatever interested them. If little boys
enjoy nurturing games with dolls, and little girls like construction
games with Tonka Trucks, So be it. It didn't mean they were gay or
Over all Gender
Equality seems to be a march toward a non-gendered society. Women
CEO’s and Stay at Home Dads, should not be noteworthy, but should
be just as common place. I remember thinking that Maxim Magazine was
just Vogue for men, and a step toward non-gendered society.
So I am absolutely
blown away by the surge in transgender issues. Why are we even
discussing transgender? Or Any gender? Why do we want to enforce
gender roles? Dude in a dress, Girl in work boots? Who cares? Wear and do what makes you happy.
Now I want to be
clear here. I am in no way talking about transsexuals. Just
transgender. (Transsexual is basically a person who feels the Sex of
their body is misaligned with themselves. Transgender on the other
hand is the feeling that their Gender is misaligned) *I am aware
these are over simplified definitions, and also intend no value
judgment on the term misaligned.
Terms like Gender
Fluid are being thrown around now. I can relate to some of the ideas
covered under that banner. There was a stir recently about a couple
that wear cloths out of the others closet and being on the cover a
magazine. That to me seems legit. The couple seems to have an
understanding of who they are. They seem to be saying “the clothes
don’t make the man”, or woman as the case may be. To me the term "Gender Fluid" is a half way of going to Non-Gendered, but scared to give anything up.
It seems to me that
the discussion of transgender has eclipsed the discussion of gender
roles. Now I’m not against treating people with respect, and giving
equal rights to anyone. I’m just not seeing on how enforcing Gender
Roles, is progress.
There was a time
that the societal gender roles stated that women could be nurses, and
men could be doctors. As women went through med school and men
started taking nursing jobs, The ideas we were promoting was that it
didn’t matter if you held the Stethoscope or the Thermometer, your
social role was defined by what you choose to do, not your sex. So
why now are we trying to say that your choice to wear a dress or
makeup should be a relevant societal decider?
Anyway, We went from
Sexual equality, to the erosion of Gender roles, and I don’t
understand why we now need to fight for the right to assert those
gender roles. Should not Trans-gender men just be viewed as a logical
step in the feminist fight for equality?
The whole point of
this post is, I don’t understand whats happening, not to “push
back” against a movement. I am someone who would prefer a
non-gendered society. I can assert that I don’t care what gender
signalling items and activities any person wants to take part in. I
don’t care if those signalling items match the gender role society
has typically assigned to your sex.
I do however Care if
you are being discriminated against. Is not transgender
discrimination, simply sexism? A person of the other sex would not be
discriminated against in the same situation, so the basis of the discrimination is entirely
sex based. I thought we had already decided that your dangley bits
are to be irrelevant to your role in society.
If you have the
time, Please let me know if I have something wrong. Or if there is a
way we can get back to the idea of equality for ALL.
Friday, August 04, 2017
Here are 5 things to know to have a happy dating life
Parents please teach your children this.
I’ve spent the last few days across social media and I have to keep
reiterating versions of this. Its saddening.
Look, you don’t “get someone to like you”. There are 4 or things to
know to have a happy dating life:
1) Get hobbies and interests.
Like more than one, and at least a few that have to do with going to
places other people are. Look its OK to be into fashion and enjoy
consuming media. But that cant be your main focus. If your on a date
and don’t have other interests to talk about, don’t be so
surprised that the only people who want to go on a second date are
the ones who will treat you like an object. Put down the Fashion Mag
and literally pick any other magazine off the shelf. You may never
learn how to perfectly wear (latest fashion item). But you will read
about something to make you an interesting person.
If you often find yourself Bored, then you may be a boring person.
Cultivate more interests.
Your boy-friend or girl-friend should be your friend. Now pop culture
has done a number on girls. If you are to believe movies and TV
shows, girls are interested in talking about Fashion, and boys. What
is she then going to talk about with her boyfriend. If however she
meets someone at an archery range, they have things to talk about.
2) Learn how to be wrong.
Now that you have started having all these hobbies and interests, you
are probably developing opinions. You are wrong on some of them.
Everyone has incorrect opinions sometimes. Learn how to decide what
types of information will sway your opinion. Learn to accept being
wrong, and to accept others being wrong. And NO saying “we’ll
just agree to disagree” doesn’t count. Thats basically saying my
mind is closed to the possibility I’m wrong, and I am not smart
enough to find a way to explain it to you. That is not to say you
have to fight every battle. You can for instance decide, I think your
wrong on how to hang the toilet paper but don’t care enough about
the issue to discuss it.
3) Own your word
How do you keep from looking wisshy-washy now that you’ve accepted
that you can be wrong and are able to change your mind? By owning
your word in every other way. Make a habit of not making promises.
Because when you make a promise, you keep it. If you promise to wash
someones car, and Christ returns, You have to tell Christ to put
judgment day on hold, because you have things to do. If you promise
to be at your nieces birthday, and 3 people call in sick to work, you
have to tell your boss your going, even if that means loosing your
job. Be the kind of person that will not break a promise ever, and
therefore only promises very few things. Owning your word also means
not lying. Don’t insinuate or imply what you don’t mean. Talk
flatly and openly the truth. I know your Dog or Cat, knows when your
sad, but the only real way humans can share the emotions and ideas
the have inside is with words. If you think people are believing your
lies, you won’t believe they understand you when you need them.
4) Take care of yourself.
Dress for the body you have, not the one you are working towards. You
don’t have to look like a model. (Even the models I know, don’t
look like “that” when going to the lake to hang out.) But you
want to take care of yourself. We all have differing bodies, and
that's OK. You just need to be clean and look like you care about
yourself. The way you look signals others how to treat you, so make
an effort to look presentable. You don’t need to be “dolled up”
just to go hang out, but take the time to be clean and groomed.
Taking a little time each day to take care of your body also help you
feel good about yourself.
Place a premium on yourself, by holding yourself to a standard of at
least 10% higher than everyone else.
5) Love your life.
You are, interesting, adaptable, honourable, and healthy. Its OK to
be happy. Happy people attract others. When you see someone loving
their live its a huge turn on. So love your life. Take the time and
effort to work on problems that may arise, and plan for your future.
This is your life and you are the only one who is ever going to be in
control of it. So love it.
Will this all prevent you from ever having your heart broke? No, of
course not. Will all the people you attract be worthy of you and be
as honourable as you? No. But you will be in the drivers seat of your
life. You will have people wanting to be near you and date you. And
as a bonus all the time that others spend feeling bad about
themselves trying to “get” this person, or attract that one, you
have spent learning and trying new things, and keeping yourself
It wont always be simple, but with every choice, you try and do what
you would respect the most if someone else had to make the same
choice. This way you become the kind of person you would respect, and
that will attract the kind of people you would want to be with.
Friday, July 28, 2017
A message to Baby-boomers
BOOMERS! How come: When
you wanted them you called them “Rights” But
now when we need them they are “entitlements” You
had the Government subsidize education But
now we should just be happy we can get a loan. You
preached “free love” But
we are sexual deviants, or are mentally ill if we don’t fit gender
norms. You
had Draft Dodgers But
our soldiers cant be given assistance? You
had government pay to wire all your homes for the telephone, and fund
public libraries. But
we pay for our own phones and internet, and we are antisocial and
rude. You
continually voted for more government services than you were willing
to pay for in taxes. But
we need to have Austerity Budgets and cut backs?
After adjusting for inflation;A Collage Degree now cost many times more than you paid for a house and land (how long was your mortgage?)Jobs Pay a fraction of what they did. They are part time and and have little to no benefits.
After adjusting for inflation;A Collage Degree now cost many times more than you paid for a house and land (how long was your mortgage?)Jobs Pay a fraction of what they did. They are part time and and have little to no benefits.
you can find one)
are the first generation since the Industrial Revolution who will not
live as long, or earn more than the generation before us!
drove this system off a bridge, we have none of the benefits you had
and all of the bills for it. We have none of the profits, but are
paying all of the environmental clean up costs of your lifestyle!
you start to say anything about an “Entitled Snowflake Millennial”,
Just remember you built this and raised us!
I love my Mom, and we all do, but STOP SHITTING ON US! Start helping
us! Vote WITH us for progressive policies!
want to make this place “Great Again”? Help us put back in place
all the services that helped you, the services that have been cut
steadily since Thatcherism and Reaganomics.
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
sluts and Ice Cream
Why is this an
insult? If I enjoy ice cream and have found away for people to want
to share their ice cream with me often, and I don’t have to pay for
it, should I be insulted? I don’t think so. Maybe I should buy a
gym membership to be sure I don’t have unwanted side effects. Other
than that no one would judge.
Now sluts can be any
gender and any orientation (other than asexual, I think). But for
much of this im going to use “she” as much of the insult is aimed
at females.
“Some slut goes to
the bar and brings home randos.”
Maybe the insult has
to do with her “being used” by men. But then shouldn't the
disdain be directed at the user? Also is she being used? Again the
ice cream analogy.
Maybe looking down
on the fact shes trading her sex to try and get something like
commitment or attention from the “rando”. But for a Slut to be a
slut, commitment cant be part of her aims. If shes “giving it up”
just for attention, then maybe she deserves our pity not our anger
(or our compassion and attention).
Maybe the concern is
that she would be unfaithful in her relationships. But it seems odd
that our word of condemnation for untrustworthy people would be
gendered and focusing only on the multitude of partners. As if
cheating with just one person is less of a betrayal than cheating
with many people. Also the term “slut” is not reserved for people
in supposedly monogamous relationships.
Maybe its that we
assume she doesn't like sex, and therefore is degrading her self for
some unknown ends.
If she doesn't enjoy
the sex then why is she a slut? Also if shes not enjoying it, is it
Or is the focus her
bad economics?
I think the
Economics argument is close to why “Slut” is an insult. Its that
the Insulter has placed a high value on sex, and feels like it should
only be traded for a premium. I can see that if I found someone
willing to sell me a Tesla for $100, I may consider them a “sucker”.
Admittedly I would look down on them a little for not knowing the
value of what they had. However I’d assume they had their reasons,
and I’d be happy cause then I’d be eating ice cream in a Tesla!
But a better parallel would be for a Tesla owner to tell me they
would let me drive their car if if I buy us ice cream to eat after.
From what I’ve
read (and from a little of my own experiences), The Slut Phase is a
healthy way for a person to experience their sexuality. It help a
person to be able to acknowledge they enjoy sex, understand and
define the sexual part of their identity, and can help a person to
feel attractive. It appears its a common part of many peoples lives.
And usually doesn't last much past early adulthood. But the gender
rolls in our society commend males when they are going through that
phase, and condemn females. Some of the readings I’ve done have
stated that this may be based on the ideas that a man owns his wife,
and a non virgin would be an inferior product for him to own.
Personally I don’t
own anyone, and am not owned. I don’t live my life for other
peoples approval (anymore). I try to hold off from judging all but
acts of wilful harm to other people. In my opinion “Cheater”
should carry the loathing and connotations that currently “slut”
has. For a cheater is braking the trust of a person they claim to
love. While a slut is simply engaging in an enjoyable act and sharing
that enjoyment with willing partners.
Any way, why do you
think slut is an insult. Should it be?
Friday, July 14, 2017
this system is FAIL
This system is fail
After the fall of
the communist block, there was little reason for maintaining anything
more than the myth of the middle class. Those in power have
consistently pushed down the middle classes, to the point nobody even
discusses it anymore.
Those in power have
also been amassing
the tools need to extract grater than Soviet control of the masses.
From Military droids, to indoctrinating the populous with delivery
and hobby
droids. (tinfoil hat prevents me from seeing if anyone has posted on
YouTube a Glock wired to a droid
To mass surveillance, of script readers scanning conversations
looking for dissidents (facebook).
We are living in a steady march toward totalitarianism.
The system of Capitalism was only functional for the populous when
Capitalism had to prove to the populous living under Communism that
they should overthrow that system. But as always without competition,
Capitalism does not work and Monopolies become exploitative.
So can we come out from the Capitalist mind set and develop a system
of distributing goods that can work for the populous without the need
of a competitor to keep it operational?
- I am aware that being unemployed and looking for (and failing even
to find) underemployment as the option out has an effect on my
thinking. But this is a growing class of people, so I don’t think
that invalidates the idea
Thursday, June 22, 2017
Trigger Warning "Snowflakes"
Trigger warning; you
are not going to like this.
Lets talk about the
“snowflakes who require trigger warnings”.
First I’m all for
trigger warnings. Not because I am, or I think others are, delicate
snowflakes. Quite the opposite. Anyone who knows me knows I am liable
to bring up “Taboo topics” at any time. While discussing puppies
at a beach, I may interject with a humorous(?) remark about abortion,
Religion, Race, or any other thing that crosses my mind. And I don’t
think I should be required to wear a t-shirt with “CAUTION, TRIGGER
WARNINGS” emblazoned on the front. BUT... And you knew there was a
That’s not what
trigger warnings are about. Let me explain why trigger warnings are a
good idea.
I’ve known people who have suicided. And can clearly recall the emotional and mental state that myself and others were in during the aftermath. So when a coworker of mine was going through a suicide death in her family I made a note not to make comments or jokes around the subject. At least for a while. Because I’m not that kind of an ass-hole. At that point in time my coworker probably didn't have the emotional energy to discuss, dismiss, or otherwise deal with my general lack of couth.
In schools as the profs cant alter their entire curriculum or know the details of all the students lives, maybe a Trigger Warning sign is just the polite thing to do.
But manners be dammed, there is a better reason. I remember being in a class where I was paying over $700 to occupy my seat. I would participate in the discussions because that's a lot of money to me and I wanted to get as much value out of the course as I could.
One such discussion
had another student get up and leave the room crying. I don’t
remember the rest of the class. As we continued with a tinge of
guilt, in slightly hushed tones. The first part of the following
lecture in that class was taken up with the prof having to announce
some disclaimer. In essence I lost 3 hours of a 40-hr course. About
$52.00 of the class I paid for.
Do I think a class
about criminal justice should avoid talking about rape? Of course
not. But should someone who was raped the night before have to sit
through a class discussing rape the next morning? No, I think that he
or she should be able to see the “Trigger Warning: Sexual assault
discussion”, sign and be able to make the decision to go over the
class notes at a later date.
Now I know the
argument that there are no trigger warnings in real life.
2 things: First,
what makes you think university is not real life. I bet being raped
feels pretty real to the astonishing high number of students who are
raped on campuses.
Second; In real
life, my advice to my coworker was to use any sick or vacation time
she had, and go home and grieve. To come back to work once she was
able to. Not because she is a “delicate snowflake”, but because
she is strong and our team followed her emotional cues.
If you have not had
an issue that was so bad that it hijacked your thoughts and
interfered with your daily actions, be thankful. Even the strongest
of us need down time, and there is no shame in recognizing you cant
deal with some things today.
And to all my
friends who are thinking, “Sinn, I cant deal with YOUR shit
today!”, I reply, “I hope you will call me tomorrow then”.
This was going to be
one point in a reply to the “Attack on Free Speech” narrative
that is going around. But due to its length I think I’ll let it
stand as is.
Also, I so would wear a t-shirt with “CAUTION, TRIGGER WARNINGS” emblazoned on the front. if someone made me one.- XXL if your wondering
Also, I so would wear a t-shirt with “CAUTION, TRIGGER WARNINGS” emblazoned on the front. if someone made me one.- XXL if your wondering
Thursday, June 15, 2017
Sinn Says Some- a response to the Republican mass shooting
you are going to push people to their braking point, Don’t be so
fucking alarmed when they break.
am not condoning the actions and I want to be really clear here; IT’S
and you knew there was a “But” coming; lets just take a moment
and look in to the recent Republican Mass Shooting.
lets not wade in the “Gun Control” debate. As its been said and
will continue to be said after each Mass Shooting.
Ok so
the Gun-man asked if the baseball players were Republicans and after
they stated affirmative, he opened fire. So this is clearly a
politically motivated crime. I understand that the victims families
lost people they loved. People who cared for their family, had senses
of humour, and filled many roles and places in the hearts of those
nearest to them. The loss of such people is a travesty.
gun man however wasn't killing 3 dimensional people; wasn’t aiming
to leave a hole in the lives of the victims families; wasn't lashing
out at fathers, husbands and family members. He was instead killing
who have passed laws that will remove health care coverage for
thousands; people who cut taxes on the extremely wealthy so that
programs and government services will no longer have funding.
these congress men were not aiming to have single mothers pushed
further in to despair; Not focusing on leaving holes in families as
loved ones die because they cant afford treatments. No these laws
were enacted because in the calculations and ideologies of the
current republican congress, it is within the acceptable margins to,
well Marginalize certain people.
those that live in the margins though; this is a daily and consistent
attack. When over 60% of your wages go to rent, and then the food and
utilities continue to rise in price, you don't get to go home at the
end of the day and forget about it. You don't get to spend your
evenings golfing and considering other topics. No; you stay awake at
night worrying and worry as you go to work lacking sleep and worry as
you bus home and make supper.
as a child who is picked on at school everyday, spends over 50% of
his life choking back tears, marginalized adults, spend the bulk of
their lives being affected by those who marginalize them.
lets look at this through the cold “realist” school of thought.
the middle class shrinks, more and more people are pushed in to the
margins. The political agreement of obeying societal laws in exchange
for the benefits of living in the society becomes a less and less
desirable arrangement. When some of your dreams are attainable
and your life offers you the luxury of being able to relax
occasionally, the exchange for obeying the social norms seems like a
good deal. But when there is little to no chance of improvement,
there is little to no benefits to maintaining the social order. In
prisons they know this and that's why they offer programs and events.
Its the carrot to keep the majority in line.
one joins the Taliban because they are close to a promotion, their
bills are paid and after their retirement savings they have enough
left over to go on vacation. No the radicalized are the marginalized.
a realist, the rich don't pay taxes because it is the moral thing to
do, they pay up because it is in their own best interest to appease
the peasants. It is in their best interest to keep the machine that
keeps them rich well lubricated.
I want to reiterate; IT’S NOT OK TO KILL! But when the picked on
kid brings a gun to class its not hard to understand the “WHY?”.
you are going to push people to their braking point, Don’t be so
fucking alarmed when they break.
I wanted to say but didn't make it in to the main monologue,
In the last USA election , both Trump and Bernie supporters were
largely people who felt "traditional government" was not
considering their interests. Or in a word - "Marginalized".
Society is like a game of Red-Rover, you win when everyone is
included in on the same team.
3) Google defines ‘terrorism’
as: the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against
civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
Does this mean that because
the targets were government not civilians, this doesn't count? Or is
this “Radical Non-Islamic Terrorism”? - left out because I think
it muddies the water, and goes against the “we need to be inclusive
and supportive” narrative I was feeling as I wrote... its a shame
cause the paragraphs I wrote were super inflammatory and bound to
generate some Hate-mail responses.
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