Tuesday, August 25, 2009

declaration of divine independence

from your lips i heard the serpents words

"You only have to worry about your self and your family, any thing else is beyond you. It's not reasonable for you to take justice as your cause. just ensure those you care about are safe.
it is not your place to try to cure the worlds wrongs, enjoy your blessings and leave those that suffer to god... if god wanted them to not suffer he would have blessed them as you have been blessed."

YOur words when i asked about some trifle of world dissent.
I decided then i'd take this fight to hell.
Let me burn for an enterinty rather than accept the lies you feel you need.. let god bless you and the fires of hell baptize me.
maybe if i allow your naivety drive me, then your sin could later be deemed necessity , later still...as grace.
"For I have no child of my own all children are mine." and the evil that i can see ill fight. every sliver, every shade no matter how distant, i refuse to accept that this is a world of necessary sin. necessary pain necessary hate. This is the only life i know i have control over and as such the only life i can use to fight what is wrong. God may have the luxury to forget or neglect or leave sections or all of this earth... I have not the choice. It is my only home , my only life, my only people , my only existence.
you may think that we could let this burn for when god returns he'll take you away.
I say this is my world, lets make it so if god passes by he'll want to stay.
we as people have proven that we are in control of this life. WE cause all the pain We cause all the suffering, as well as the joy and peace. US. PEOPLE.
let me die, one- screaming to the masses, a few- calling to the crowds or all- the victim's of a tyrant; we will LIVE FOR A FUTURE. we will burn out time for a better time. I (WE) will not live this life in hope of the next. but to live this life to ensure a better future for this existence, and should we pass into another life after this, be sure we have trained to make that place better as well.

Friday, August 21, 2009

an answer to Cheryl

i dont know how my ideas can help, I've been told my ideas are a bit twisted.

I hear of eternal life in a peace-filled city full of subservient people and i think hell! seriously nothing to complain about, no problems to solve, no cause to flair the emotions...FOREVER, think about one week of doing nothing you'd have nothing to talk about , and no philosophy, cause the answers are right there. I feel alive when creating or destroying, when solving a problem reaching for a goal, having a righteous cause. and I'm supposed to live without that FOREVER!
No give me this world with meaningful problems to solve, meaning full victories and defeats.
do you think Einstein would be happy if the answers just appeared before him? or do you think the "high" of discovering new ideas was what drove him?
would even cliff jumping be any fun if there wasn't the fear that you could hurt yourself... think about it, how fun is walking?
Heaven and hell were concepts fed to the populous from those controlling them. Look at the stories and you can see the simple message, Obey and things can be easy ie. heaven, disobey and you're going to be hurt (hell). the obedient are promised days of picnics at the feet of the boss, well bad boys and girls will be whipped and burned. notice in both scenarios that you are not in a position of control over your life.. er afterlife.
framing the argument is a common tool used for manipulation, from parents asking if a child would like to do their home work before or after supper, (neither thanks i want to jump on my bed, skip supper and just have desert) or political parties asking if you prefer higher taxes or lower services.
the heaven/hell stories have been told for so long, that people don't question the intent any more. (and as i don't want to give my self a hand cramp, I'll leave my diatribe about the pope having the most powerful army and dictating the rights of kings, out. unless asked)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Your Special,

the meaning of life is not a secret, its easer to find and understand than a high school physics course. the thing thats hard to understand is that no one wants to know. All people really want to know is how to be special, or failing that, how to be rich. Is it any wounder that in the age of information, all we devote our attention to is trading products to make us feel special for money to make us feel rich?
one would think that we could find one person to make us feel special and that would stop the cycle. but for some reason we feel the cost of making that person also feel special to be too high. so we allow our relationships to wither and die, amongst arguments about money, stuff and how special we think we deserve to be.
but viewed in this light, prostitution is not only the worlds oldest profession, its the worlds ONLY profession
so the secret to finding love, and the secret to finding wealth are set out cleanly for you.
all you have to do is think about what side of the equation you want to be. if you want to be wealthy find a way to make people feel special, trade that for their money. if you want love, find some body and make them feel special, trade that for them making you feel special. admittedly this is a little harder than the first one. but still easer than getting a c+ in calculus. It can take some work, but its totally doable. this just requires that instead of 'fate' you decide what you want for your life... if that sounds difficult, might i suggest you take some time to search for the meaning of life first.

(and if you ask me about the meaning of life, just know that it'll make me feel special!!!)
