Thursday, November 08, 2007

daily quotes

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.

This is a quote from non other than Albert Einstein. It’s a well known quote, and often heard.

On my homepage I have Einstein quotes of the day. It’s a cute little app. and I like to think it keeps me thinking. I’d like to add a Steven Hawking one but I haven’t found one yet. Today when I opened my browser and saw this little axiom I thought nothing of it. Then I read it again. And again. Some thing was wrong. I just couldn’t put my finger on what it was.

Then I realised it was the “WW IV” thing. Einstein knows better than to portray conjecture as fact. I mean he was one of the smartest people we as a species have had the pleasure of learning from.

But that wasn’t it either, something else was bothering me about this so common quip. How could he possibly believe that WW4 would be fought with stones? Its understandable that he was trying to hammer home the power of nuclear weapons… wait that was it.

He was certain that we as a people would have another world war. That nukes would be used, and we still wouldn’t learn. He was certain that we would not be able to maintain our collective saintly and refrain from destroying ourselves, and worse yet, that before we were able to even rebuild we would have yet a 4th. It was the way he was stating the nature of man, not the nature of war.


I also have “Bush-isims” on my homepage, it was some thing about evildoers wageing war at the whim of a hat.

Very Creepy

Sweet dreams yall

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