Saturday, December 15, 2007


question: define truth
Is it not the antonym of lies
if when confronted a person considers speaking a falsehood and the reconsiders and does not; we could not fault him for lying. thus a lie must be spoken to be.
if truth is the antonym of lies, and a lie must be spoken to be; then truth must remain silent to be.
question: define truth.
answer: impossible.

Friday, November 09, 2007

social transaction?

This unfortunate 40’something man wades in to the store with a small radio playing scratchily from his frumpy coat. The radio is a new touch but this guy wanders through the store almost every day. I turn to a co-worker and whisper how this guy gives me the creeps. I don’t intend to be rude but I seriously fell my fight or flight reflexes kicking in when I see people like this. He has meandered past my till with his face half stained the unmistakable colour of vegetable soup. His hair is always a messy mop awkwardly piled in various clumps. I don’t recall having ever actually seen sticks in it, but it wouldn’t surprise. He’s not actually dirty though, just un-kept. He has those blank eyes of one who instead of really thinking is drawn from place to place by emotional spasms. Today thankfully there was no soup stain on his face; but he had stuff stuck in his crooked teeth, that added a terrifying effect to his big dumb grin.

As if to punish me for my honesty, the co-worker replies that this fully horrifying life lives in a government home near by.

My mind is flooded with images. They are unemployable, hence they spend much of there days alone rejected from society. Staying in the ‘home’ day after day week after week, Year after YEAR; they need some outside stimulation. They wander through shopping centers. Gaining the so much needed human interaction in the short time it takes to complete there meaningless transactions.

“Hello how are you today?-is this every thing?” I have Miranda syndrome. I’ve said these words so many times today they have no meaning.

He’s buying a piece of crap plastic coffee mug that’s even overpriced at our store. He can’t pick up on the subtle clues I sometimes give to the old ladies who are about to make bad shopping choices.

He’s saying something similar to having a good day or something. I avoid looking at him in any way. I know the revulsion is to help me from feeling the helpless sorrow. I don’t have the time or mental fortitude to befriend him and alleviate some of his loneliness. I doubt I would if I did. Am I a horrible person?

“Well thank you and have a pleasant evening”

The static-y little radio accompanies him out side.

The fight or flight feeling and revulsion subside, leaving me with the dull anger that this is the world. And the type of moot sorrow we feel after seeing starving children and abused animals on television commercials.

“Hello, how are you today?-is this every thing?” ….

Thursday, November 08, 2007

daily quotes

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.

This is a quote from non other than Albert Einstein. It’s a well known quote, and often heard.

On my homepage I have Einstein quotes of the day. It’s a cute little app. and I like to think it keeps me thinking. I’d like to add a Steven Hawking one but I haven’t found one yet. Today when I opened my browser and saw this little axiom I thought nothing of it. Then I read it again. And again. Some thing was wrong. I just couldn’t put my finger on what it was.

Then I realised it was the “WW IV” thing. Einstein knows better than to portray conjecture as fact. I mean he was one of the smartest people we as a species have had the pleasure of learning from.

But that wasn’t it either, something else was bothering me about this so common quip. How could he possibly believe that WW4 would be fought with stones? Its understandable that he was trying to hammer home the power of nuclear weapons… wait that was it.

He was certain that we as a people would have another world war. That nukes would be used, and we still wouldn’t learn. He was certain that we would not be able to maintain our collective saintly and refrain from destroying ourselves, and worse yet, that before we were able to even rebuild we would have yet a 4th. It was the way he was stating the nature of man, not the nature of war.


I also have “Bush-isims” on my homepage, it was some thing about evildoers wageing war at the whim of a hat.

Very Creepy

Sweet dreams yall

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

the beginings of an idea, this will definatly be a later rant.

In the 70’s and 80’s the fashion industry was targeted by women’s liberation groups for being controlling, oppressive, and sexist. The fashion industry responded to the charges, with maxim magazine. Every year now fashion is more and more invasive in “male culture”.

This is called progress.

The blacks of the United States were denied votes, Admissions to “good” schools and healthcare institutions. The american Indian are segregated. Many reserves still have inadequate sanitary systems. In fact it would be hard to distinguish between a modern reserve and a third world refugee camp.

The inner cities are receiving less and less help; are becoming economically dissolute.

“Jobs” are the call of the masses as the divide between needs and means increases.

It is important to remember that the racist oppressions served governments far less than they served large manufacturers. The plantation owners lost much more by freeing the slaves than the politicians did.

The current trends are moving more and more towards “indiscriminate oppression”. This makes sense. It is defiantly easer to maintain control of a group if the group is hard to define. The 1970’s, “gives women a poor body image”, claims from the woman’s lib. movement sound oddly quaint after viewing a CK underwear add. Now the attempts to solve the body image problems are worsened. Instead of doubling their opposition, the fashion industry divided it. Both men and woman may now develop a negative body image now, but it leads to decidedly different outcomes. Males are more likely to use steroids than become anorexic. As well as the line of who is an oppressor and who is oppressed has blurred beyond simple definitions. No longer is the fashion industry predominantly male and the customer predominantly female. Now males and females are dispersed across both lines.

This is called equality, and it too is known as progress.

How does the fashion industry continue to force its notions on the public? I mean aren’t we free to chose to ware what ever we want? If its making us feel bad about ourselves are we not free to just stop buying and force their bankruptcies?

In the most basic answer is of course. Unfortunately basic thinking is wrong. As long as we as a people judge one another on appearance; (and it seems as long as sex is a primal urge we will) then one who buys in to the industry will elevate them selves. It would take all of us, enemas to turn away and as a whole refuse to be a part of it. I don’t see it happening any time soon.

It is important to also note that by socialism, I do not mean Marxism or Stalinism or Leninism or Maoism or even communism. I do mean a social collective of the populous. Democracy was/ is a socialist ideal.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Is it sexist, if I really appreciate when she makes the side dishes?

I think the reason I will never be married, is if I spend a large amount of time with one person, I find other sides of my personality moaning of starvation. I’m sure that if I was a truly well rounded person, I wouldn’t find this kind of nagging emptiness.
I hate Edmonton! Before I moved here I had a circle of friends that allowed me to exercise many parts of my personality, I had a girlfriend who if not ecstatic, was resigned to a partitioned time segment. I did miss my family. But I had resolved to never move back to Lethbridge, so the longing I felt for my family I was able to chalk up to the bitter sweet, pain of being my own man. As if I had won and earned the feeling and it ought to be worn proudly as a battle scar.
But now my family has moved to Edmonton, so I get to see them more often. This however is tampered with the more severe (because it has to be kept secret) pain of not having much of a life to share with them. When we are together, I feel I have nothing to contribute, and fall in to the role of late night talk show host. I come in tell a few jokes, and then interview others to feel as though we were having a conversation. Thank god for my brother whose unabashed desire to be the center of attention, draws all the focus. So we as a family can all feel we have done something together, by laughing at /with Sonny.
If I ever do marry, it will surly be so that I’m not saddled with the chore of trying to feed myself each and every evening. Seriously, it might be worth it to not have to decide on something tasty, affordable, easy to make, And Different! Each and every day. I have that pesky belief in equality, that would make it so I’d have to go through this “devils triangle” every other night. But still 50% freedom from this chore is worth the cost of a ring.
Every one goes through this eventually; hence Moorse makes money renting tuxes.
What ever his reasons were, my best friend was starting to make this decision. And his cute unassuming nefarious tart, was having a real problem with his own exercising of other areas of his personality. Hilarity ensued. No seriously, if loosing my best friend to her manipulation and out and out attacks didn’t hurt so much, the battles would have been comical.
Being as how I’m slow to warm to new people, (or it takes them a while to figure out it’s just a joke), I have found myself spending most of my time with one person. Exclusively. I am a little short on people to “round my self out” with so instead of actively pursuing other interests and fields; I retreat back to this one person. And she great, I’m not complaining about that. I’m just stating that the other sides of me are screaming for food.
I refuse to believe that returning to school was a mistake, therefore it must be moving to Edmonton. Or; I just had this thought; it could be that I’ve just stayed too long. I haven’t stayed in the same place for longer than 2 years since I moved out from my moms. And I’ve been in Ed for 3 and a half. Well there’s a new superstition for me to test.
So now I’m deciding on returning to Saskatoon to continue my schooling, or to try some ware new.
If I go some ware new, I may develop problems at the 2 year mark, which isn’t good, considering I’m taking a 7 year degree. If I return to Saskatoon, I know things wont be quite the same, as well as I may have worn out my 2 years there, And it has the whole going backwards thing, unless going here was the mistake then its not going backward its correcting (like someone ought to do to this run-on sentence).
I have other reasons for leaving Edmonton. Pragmatic ones like the cost of living and such. So what do you think I should do?

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

a reveiw, sorta

It’s so much easier to believe that its just me, when its inside my own head.
Now it may just be that im reading the sane society right now. But its getting to the point that every ware I look people are saying there’s something wrong with our world.
Blue man groups megastar 2.0 that I saw last night didn’t even try to mask the message that modern life is sick, from the “I saw my self on a bathroom door today” to the standardisation of audience participation in our entertainment venues, The show was an entertaining barrage of contemporary life is not life.
The opening act, mike relm, seemed to be the only part of the show that was Ok with life. I’m not disappointed, only concerned that the celebration of life that art was trying to use as a counter attack to the machine lifestyle, is gone. We are left with the message being stated as clear as possible that things are broken. But it seems the artists are no longer wanting to guide others, they are more concerned with prodding the unmoving. That’s not how we were going to fix this thing. The plan WAS, we are going to have a good time, and that will entice others to come and see what a joy the world could be. It seems now we are trying to begin a motion from the inert. I’ve seen this happen to many of the “road signs”. From adbusters complete withdrawal of all peaceful prototypes of the future, to all the rock bands doing overtly political songs. We can not lead the world to a saner, happier place using fear. Fear is the enemies tool. The adage is you can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink, while you cant get the horse to go any ware if you just yell the waters dirty in your pen. Horses can’t understand much English as well as they are unable to open the gate them selves. We need only to open the gate and enjoy the field ourselves. That will be enough to bring the horses out.

If your life is not a joy, why would any want to be like you?
1 decide you will not obey needlessly
2 enjoy your life
3 repeat as conspicuously as necessary.

It was stll an entertaining show and I do recommend going to see blue man group if you have the opportunity. And especially go see mike relm!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

the chicken and the egg

Ok the concept of which came first, of 2 things is not original. We more and more often these days, find our selves trying to decide between cause and effect. Now this probably speaks to the fact that we have lost control over our own creations, and thus our world. People who notice these things tend to think of them selves as "thinkers". So they go off on there diatribes, believing blindly that they have increased the intellectual pool of information on -whatever. But these morons keep using the phrase "what came first, the chicken or the egg". As if there is no other way to describe the very common occurrence of any cyclic phenomenon. Even the slightest change to the “lizard or the egg” would show that at least they have vested some thought in there work. So in my attempt to have a different cliché used and thus ever so slightly increase the variety and readability of the blogs and reports I read; the answer is obviously the chicken.
Chicken eggs need to be incubated. If you believe in creation then, god must of made the chicken and the cock first otherwise the egg would of not been incubated. Ending this stupid saying right there in the Garden of Eden. If you believe in evolution, then you know that from a primordial ooze life sprang forth and slowly altered its self in to various species, thus several creatures came before the chicken. And what ever creature laid the egg that the first creature we officially call a chicken came from was not a chicken ant there for the egg it laid was a mutated chAcken egg. Or what ever.
If the saying was lizard or the egg, we would have a bit more of a conundrum. Because, not all lizards require active incubating on behalf of the mother, there are other options. But ill leave you to use your deductive reasoning on which was obviously first in that case.

Monday, September 17, 2007

the former, but stil vacant Hall

I occasion to wit when I find my self bordering the uncouth, so that humour may mask my foible.
I hold you in esteem for possessing a whit of wits. And as such it ought to be tacit that maintaining tact be paramount.

I should never endeavour to name someone of your intellectual economy any thing so pedestrian as simple, for that is much too obtuse to be adequate descriptions of your so very precise faculties.

However verbosely effusive this may be, I find it tantamount to berating a shrubbery. I reserve the luxury of chronological homicide to be expelled at my fetish. And in such require your absence.