Friday, July 28, 2017

A message to Baby-boomers

Hay BOOMERS! How come:   When you wanted them you called them “Rights” But now when we need them they are “entitlements”   You had the Government subsidize education But now we should just be happy we can get a loan.   You preached “free love” But we are sexual deviants, or are mentally ill if we don’t fit gender norms.   You had Draft Dodgers But our soldiers cant be given assistance?   You had government pay to wire all your homes for the telephone, and fund public libraries. But we pay for our own phones and internet, and we are antisocial and rude.   You continually voted for more government services than you were willing to pay for in taxes.  But we need to have Austerity Budgets and cut backs?

After adjusting for inflation;A Collage Degree now cost many times more than you paid for a house and land   (how long was your mortgage?)Jobs Pay a fraction of what they did. They are part time and and have little to no benefits.
  (if you can find one)
We are the first generation since the Industrial Revolution who will not live as long, or earn more than the generation before us!
You drove this system off a bridge, we have none of the benefits you had and all of the bills for it. We have none of the profits, but are paying all of the environmental clean up costs of your lifestyle!

Before you start to say anything about an “Entitled Snowflake Millennial”, Just remember you built this and raised us!

Now I love my Mom, and we all do, but STOP SHITTING ON US! Start helping us! Vote WITH us for progressive policies!

You want to make this place “Great Again”? Help us put back in place all the services that helped you, the services that have been cut steadily since Thatcherism and Reaganomics.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

sluts and Ice Cream

Why is this an insult? If I enjoy ice cream and have found away for people to want to share their ice cream with me often, and I don’t have to pay for it, should I be insulted? I don’t think so. Maybe I should buy a gym membership to be sure I don’t have unwanted side effects. Other than that no one would judge.

Now sluts can be any gender and any orientation (other than asexual, I think). But for much of this im going to use “she” as much of the insult is aimed at females.

“Some slut goes to the bar and brings home randos.”
Maybe the insult has to do with her “being used” by men. But then shouldn't the disdain be directed at the user? Also is she being used? Again the ice cream analogy.
Maybe looking down on the fact shes trading her sex to try and get something like commitment or attention from the “rando”. But for a Slut to be a slut, commitment cant be part of her aims. If shes “giving it up” just for attention, then maybe she deserves our pity not our anger (or our compassion and attention).
Maybe the concern is that she would be unfaithful in her relationships. But it seems odd that our word of condemnation for untrustworthy people would be gendered and focusing only on the multitude of partners. As if cheating with just one person is less of a betrayal than cheating with many people. Also the term “slut” is not reserved for people in supposedly monogamous relationships.
Maybe its that we assume she doesn't like sex, and therefore is degrading her self for some unknown ends.
If she doesn't enjoy the sex then why is she a slut? Also if shes not enjoying it, is it rape?

Or is the focus her bad economics?
I think the Economics argument is close to why “Slut” is an insult. Its that the Insulter has placed a high value on sex, and feels like it should only be traded for a premium. I can see that if I found someone willing to sell me a Tesla for $100, I may consider them a “sucker”. Admittedly I would look down on them a little for not knowing the value of what they had. However I’d assume they had their reasons, and I’d be happy cause then I’d be eating ice cream in a Tesla! But a better parallel would be for a Tesla owner to tell me they would let me drive their car if if I buy us ice cream to eat after.

From what I’ve read (and from a little of my own experiences), The Slut Phase is a healthy way for a person to experience their sexuality. It help a person to be able to acknowledge they enjoy sex, understand and define the sexual part of their identity, and can help a person to feel attractive. It appears its a common part of many peoples lives. And usually doesn't last much past early adulthood. But the gender rolls in our society commend males when they are going through that phase, and condemn females. Some of the readings I’ve done have stated that this may be based on the ideas that a man owns his wife, and a non virgin would be an inferior product for him to own.

Personally I don’t own anyone, and am not owned. I don’t live my life for other peoples approval (anymore). I try to hold off from judging all but acts of wilful harm to other people. In my opinion “Cheater” should carry the loathing and connotations that currently “slut” has. For a cheater is braking the trust of a person they claim to love. While a slut is simply engaging in an enjoyable act and sharing that enjoyment with willing partners.

Any way, why do you think slut is an insult. Should it be?

Friday, July 14, 2017

this system is FAIL

This system is fail

After the fall of the communist block, there was little reason for maintaining anything more than the myth of the middle class. Those in power have consistently pushed down the middle classes, to the point nobody even discusses it anymore.
Those in power have also been amassing the tools need to extract grater than Soviet control of the masses. From Military droids, to indoctrinating the populous with delivery and hobby droids. (tinfoil hat prevents me from seeing if anyone has posted on YouTube a Glock wired to a droid yet).
To mass surveillance, of script readers scanning conversations looking for dissidents (facebook).
We are living in a steady march toward totalitarianism.
The system of Capitalism was only functional for the populous when Capitalism had to prove to the populous living under Communism that they should overthrow that system. But as always without competition, Capitalism does not work and Monopolies become exploitative.
So can we come out from the Capitalist mind set and develop a system of distributing goods that can work for the populous without the need of a competitor to keep it operational?


 - I am aware that being unemployed and looking for (and failing even to find) underemployment as the option out has an effect on my thinking. But this is a growing class of people, so I don’t think that invalidates the idea