Wednesday, June 09, 2010

the i-zombi Deceleration of Corporatist War.

ok so i have countless times explained that paying below the low income cut off line is basically saying that an employee must take a vow of poverty for the company. This is wrong in my mind. all my ranting and raving will not change it.
Instead its economic warfare.
i cant wage war like Google or General Electric. I simply don't have the resources. (because i'm paid poverty wages).
But i can wage a guerrilla campaign!
In order to blend in i give nice customer service. they say customer service is key to business. But i royally piss off one person each shift. to the point that if they return, they are quite appeased. I damage at least one package as well. depending on my managers actual treatment of me i may or may not damage inventory. (manager deals with returns).
It is the customer that makes the business.
it is the customer that tis with in my direct reach. i am both figuratively and literally nearer them than the CEO's who dictate this poverty on us.
The customer that shops at a minimum wage labor camp is not only consenting by default to the overlords treatment of us, but also the necessary enabler.
any guilt i feel for my annoyance in their day is more than eclipsed by the shame i feel each month as i beg for money to cover the rent.
for those that say " if you didnt damage the product the company could afford to pay you more", they know nothing of economics or human behavior. action arises out of incentive. if the corporation has no incentive to pay better then they will not chose to. I can not plead with the CEO's humanity to raise the pay wage, as any office drone who put forth that action with out showing an end "gain" would be fired and forced to live on the front lines with me.
The only way to bring about this change is to spread the word to all povertywagers. and when we are the "victim" of our own type of "attacks", we simply inform the solder in front of us that we too are in the war and they must fill there daily anti-service quota with some one else!

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