Wednesday, March 15, 2006

lemme alone on the buss

This disassociation of a social inept mind from a morally inept society leading to an aggravated situation predisposed to violence.
Or, What I meant by “Fuck Off Ass-hole”.

Although you feel me rude for ignoring you, I feel that your interruption is of the grater harm. I am confined to live only my life and thus so, my feelings will always trump yours in all maters where the two don’t coincide.
I feel it important to remind you that you, yourself, instigated this interaction.
It was your choices and actions that led to this preface to an altercation.
So the onus is also yours as to weather you shall console your wounded pride with self deception with out my company or rather to consume more of my limited time with your invasion of my space.
But be not deceived, I consider all invasions violent acts.
As violence and war very only in scope and the surest way to maintain a victory in war is the complete annihilation of your opponent, and as I have previously stated, my feelings will always trump yours, I will act in a way that is in my best interest for self survival.
I am sure if properly motivated you could have formulated the before mentioned thoughts for your self.
I, as man, can not be indited for neither the acts of God (nature) nor his (its) omissions.
It seems some how, weather by evolution or design you have failed at this arrangement.
Your inability to ascertain your situation of danger and to in the best interest of survival govern your self, leaves your death as either ordained by God or a simple matter of the species as a whole needing to rid its self of your impertinence and stupidity.

(Must I have other reasons not to be interrupted while I'm fucking reading?)